P. 184
Hope the week-end is peaceful in the sticks.....
Not that you'll be doing any emailing till you return, but do bear in mind (as a Director with our re- sponsibilities re: Landlord & Tenant Act)) that you must make clear that the additional funds re- quired to be paid by each Lessee are voluntary contributions (and I would strongly suggest more than the minimum £1000 as that will still leave us totally at ZERO in Reserves come Christmas - much safer to double it to a minimum £2000 leaving us around £9000 in Re- serves for unforeseen contingencies for both the works and our general maintenance, lift etc) . We cannot force any Lessee to pay additional funds if they don't wish to as the works involved in the INTERNALS consist of some non essential works.
Please make that very clear as any Lessee could take us to task unless that is stated. I have advised Jamil of the meeting/situation and am awaiting his response which I'll let you have.
If we were sticking exactly to the terms of our Head Lease, no works are meant to commence until all funding is in place meaning June and September's quarters must be utilised for the
additional requests, meaning demands of, I would suggest, £1000 plus the normal £650 for
both quarters.
Bon voyage, Paul
To receive back from Mrs Hillgarth on 27 May 2014:
I suggest you send an email to all as you have got all the figures .I can be at kings rd around 15 h if you want to discuss it
Not what was agreed at the meeting for her to do, nor a particularly helpful response from a co-Director complaining of being ignored? But it gets worse.....
In an email from Paul Brown-Constable to Mrs Hillgarth dated 27 May:
Dear Michele -
Thanks for email and here is what we/or you can send out if you deem it correct following what was discussed at some length on Friday.
If not, let me know. I was gardening all day.... in the rain! [REFERENCE VOTE RIGGING]
I have given people 7 days to make comment/query covering our backs if indeed they do NOT wish to pay additional funds under any circumstances - their right, I'm afraid. I am still awaiting a reply from Jamil who is not back in UK until this w/end.
Might I suggest you also deal with Flats 1, 3, 4, 8 & most especially Flat 9 (who have made comment previously about NOT having to accept the cheapest quote etc - they are correct, it's a risk, but all Agent's are obliged to accept it or give good reason not to. Our reason is simply money!).
It would be appreciated, so long as you believe it, that they all be told that you are now to- tally satisfied subsequent to Friday's meeting, with all Management's competence,
professionalism, arrangements, specifications and quotes to date. You are not expected to approve the, as I'll leave that to filter through from
outside sources in due course, as indeed will comment on the interior of Mitre House - mark my words.
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