P. 201

  Brief General Works Specifications_3
                                                                               Specifications & Recommendations For Terrazzo Flooring & Staircase Handrail
Terrazzo Flooring throughout - stairs, edging, window shelves and stair wall
Staircase Handrail
Various processes are available, from careful cleaning to diamond polishing. None of which can guarantee a 100% perfect, new look finish - as again the Terrazzo is nearly 100 years old and is in amazingly good condition save for some terrible vandalism (see area around Lift Doors on each floor) -
Investigations have indicated that the Battleship grey painted handrail all the way up the stairs is in fact either Chrome or Brass - even NASA canʼt confirm! Anyway, we are removing all 9 sections and stripping off the paint vandalism and the either re- chroming or re-brassing once NASA makes up its ruddy mind!
Repairs cannot be made to these very badly damaged areas (but other alternatives will suffice), but, depending on how much is to be spent, many of the defaults can be very well tidied up - but at a considerable outlay.
Whatever it becomes (Chrome or Brass) it will look far superior to the miserable, cold badly painted handrail it is at present.
As such a decision as to which process to adopt is still under careful consideration. Quotes for works range as high as £20,000 down to more reasonable £5-£6000 or indeed an excellent and effective clean for under a £1000 - whichever process is eventually adopted, it will only stay looking pristine (ish) if properly cleaned and maintained on a regular basis. Which of course it will be - but Terrazzo is simply pourous concrete with marble chips - and being pourous is tricky to maintain 100%
The expensive diamond cleans are very lengthy, very noisy and very dirty....!
It should be noted that there are THREE different Terrazzo surfaces (and colours) in situ which no amount of cleaning, polishing etc) can disguise regrettably.
Suggestions have been made to carpet (using runners) which will both look very smart as well as softening the awfully loud accoustics within the block. *
* Item colour still to be decided on consultation with Residents Association APPENDIX (v)_BRIEF GENERAL WORKS SPECIFICATIONS_3

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