P. 204

 Brief General Works Specifications_6
                                                                             Internal Communal areas Painwork
3rd Floor Stairwells & Landings - Prepare ceiling & walls (incl. attending to flaking plaster & making good). Apply two coats one colour matt emulsion to ceiling & two coats of (another colour) oiled eggshell emulsion to walls. Apply two coats matt emulsion (probably pale grey*) to Dado rails & visible surface pipes. Rub down one large window frame & apply one coat of undercoat & one coat of brilliant white gloss paint. Rub down & apply one coat of undercoat & one coat of brilliant white gloss paint to one door, inside surface only.
Entrance Hall, Stairs & Three Landings
Specifications & Recommendations For New Decor Colours On All Walls & Ceilings
Two colour throughout (one colour walls, one other colour ceilings) plus one colour gloss on Window frames and 4 internal door surfaces.
Ground Floor Entrance Hall - Prepare ceiling & walls (incl. attending to flaking plas- ter & making good). Wash down windows (inside & out) in entrance porch. Apply two coats of one colour matt emulsion to ceiling & two coats of (another colour) oiled egshell emulsion to walls. Apply two coats oiled eggshell emulsion (to Dado rails & visible surface pipes*). Apply two coats matt emulsion to ceiling & two coats oiled eggshell emulsion to walls of porterʼs cabin and gloss to window, woodwork areas and doors. Rub down & apply one coat of undercoat & one coat of brilliant white gloss paint to Yard door, inside surface only. *
If installed, undercoat and gloss the wiring and meter boxes or whatever is decided. Undercoat and gloss the entrance flap down to roof.
1st & 2nd Floor Stairwells & Landings - Prepare ceiling & walls (incl. attending to flaking plaster & making good). Apply two coats one colour matt emulsion to ceiling & two coats of (another colour) oiled eggshell emulsion to walls. Apply two coats matt emulsion (probably pale grey*) to Dado rails & visible surface pipes. Rub down two window frames on each floor & apply one coat of undercoat & one coat of brilliant white gloss paint*. Rub down & apply one coat of undercoat & one coat of brilliant white gloss paint to one door, inside surface only, on each floor (total of 4 including ground floor Yard door).*
* Item colours still to be decided on consultation with Residents Association
* Item colours still to be decided on consultation with Residents Association APPENDIX (viii)_BRIEF GENERAL WORKS SPECIFICATIONS_4

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