P. 233

B Form of Contract
The Form of Contract will be the JCT Minor Works Building Contract, 2005 edition, as amended by Amendment 1, issued April 2007. The following insertions and deletions are to be made in the Contract Particulars:-
Clause etc.
New Fourth Recital (see Amendment 1)
Fifth Recital (previously Fourth Recital)
Article 7
1.1 (see Amendment 1)
2.2 2.8 2.10
4.3 4.5
4.11 and Schedule 2 5.3.2
5.4A, 5.4B & 5.4C (see Amendment 1)
5.4A.l and 5.4B.1.2 7.2 Adjudication
Schedule 1 (paragraph 1) and Schedule 2 (paragraphs 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1 and 2.2)
Schedule 1 (paragraph 2.1)
Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)
CDM Regulations Regulations apply Arbitration
CDM Planning Period
Date for Commencement of the Works
Date for Completion Liquidated damages Rectification Period
Percentage of the total value of work etc. Percentage of the total amount to be paid to the contractor
Supply of documentation for computation of amount to be finally certified
Contribution, levy and tax changes Contractor's insurance - injury to persons or property. Insurance cover (jor anyone occurrence or series of occurrences arising out of one event) occurrences arising out of one event)
Insurance of the Works etc. - alternative provisions
Percentage to cover professional fees
Nominator of Adjudicator
Base Date
Appointment of Arbitrator (and of any replacement)
Employer at the Base
Date is not a 'contractor' for the purposes of the CIS
All the CDM
Article 7 and Schedule 1 (Arbitration) apply
Shall mean the period of four weeks ending on the Date of Commencement of the Works
To be agreed
To be agreed
At the rate of £300 per week 6 months from the date
of practical completion
95 per cent
97.5 per cent 3 months
To be deleted
£5 million
Clause 5.4B (Works and existing structures insurance by Employer in Joint Names) applies 15 per cent
President or a Vice- President of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
The date of the contractor's tender
President or a Vice- President of The Royal Institution of Chartered

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