P. 25
From: Mitre House Subject: Mitre House Minor Repairs
Date: 16 June 2019 at 13:17
The Directors/Mitre House Management Company (2017) Ltd
You will note from the attached photo that when the Fire Alarm system box was re- sited on 15 May you were left with a few legacy screw holes which need a simple render, filling and painting. In the interest of expediency and convenience, can I have your consent for me to attend to it as we have ample supply of the correct paint (Caribbean Dawn) stored in the hut in the rear yard along with other Mitre House spares and essentials.
A good example of why your bizarre insistence to demolish it is obtuse?
I fully appreciate you may wish to insist that Maunder Taylor and or Strangford in due course attend to sort (it will entail two visits, one to fill and render and another to paint and one presumes source and purchase their own paint), which seems excessively inconvenient for either of them, when I can guarantee a first class repair over a couple of days at no cost nor inconvenience to anybody, Agents nor lessees/tenants.
I am presuming that my response below of 12th June to your notification of change of Managing Agents was deemed unworthy of a reply?
I do hope you will oblige eventually along with your speedy consent for me to proceed as above without the need to trouble our Agents nor costs?
Dear Maria (and to your copied in lessees)
Thank you for your email notification, one presumes, as a Director of MHMC(2017) Ltd
Somewhat surprised that Maunder Taylor are not being retained as begs the question of what was the point of having them appointed in the first place as the attached pdf well evidences was totally unnecessary with relevant documentation and identifying very substantial costs to date, in your case alone of £9756.88?
Also somewhat surprised that the decision to fire Maunder Taylor and contract with Strangford Management Ltd was not discussed with shareholding lessee members which does not bode well for future decisions such as Major (concurrent) Internals/Externals budgets next year 2020 requiring, as it will now, additional Surveyor’s costs as Maunder Taylor had already prepared costings including vat & fees which I appreciate will not please certain parties.
Are non-Director shareholding lessee members to therefore presume we have no say in any decisions despite having paid £300 for the privilege?
I would be grateful for confirmation of receipt along with comment on future decisions, many thanks.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Brown-Constable