P. 269

and very quickly - with someone whose accent Mrs Hillgarth does not recognise. You say at one point: “We can do the work anyway we want and no money will be returned to the leaseholders”. Mrs Hillgarth certainly has no recollection of that conversation and believes it is a fake and/or “doc- tored” sound clip and/or taken completely out of context.
But made all the worse in your Johnny “DJ” Arthur report which stated something a little different, namely for the first time “well then everybody will be happy” (except he said “and then everybody will be happy”) is now allegedly added, which was not evident in your email (You say at one point: “We can do the work anyway we want and no money will be returned to the leaseholders”. Mrs Hill- garth certainly has no recollection of that conversation and believes it is a fake and/or “doctored” sound clip and/or taken completely out of context.)
So exactly what as “doctored” in...or out? And don’t forget we have two reports disagreeing and confirming the veracity of the tape! You cannot really believe that any sane person would not agree
to making savings? Anyway, game, set and match is to request of your client “HOW DID YOU THINK MHML WERE FUNDING THE NEW LIGHTING?”
***bank statements - and if you are still oblivious to the fact that in mid 2012 Mrs Hillgarth requested and was sent ALL banking statements to date (mid 2012). At the 23 May 2014 Board Meeting she requested and received ALL banking statements from day one to date (May 2014) - she also at the 23 May 2014 Board Meeting carefully perused the Banking set up as the
attached evidences, in her own handwriting, and more than amply evidences our “mystery account” details which you appear having difficulties identifying - you should have asked Mrs
Hillgarth as she’s been fully conversant with it since mid 2012 if not earlier!
You will also note from your own “forensic” investigations that on 23 May 2014 we had £92,910.46 in Reserves added to which would be the June and September Quarters’ Demands adding, if paid promptly, a further £2700 x 2 making a grand total of approx £98k almost exactly as the guesstimate of £98,262 on ALL relevant issued s.20 Notices, namely March 25 and 22 June 2014 with a £105,000 budget to pay, leaving a shortfall of approx £6757, requiring a £2000 x 9 call on lessees so as to retain approx £11,243 in Reserves at close of play.
See following page image of Banking 23 May 2014
PLEaSE rEFEr to variouS attaCHED “PDF/FuRtheR ReFeRenCes” in SuPPort oF arguMEnt

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