P. 279

ings did or did not come under the scrutiny and satisfaction of fellow workers, contractors and sur- veyors, I can advise you again that had any work been executed and performed that was not up to a professional and competent manner would have been firstly commented upon by our Surveyor, our Freeholder’s surveyor and most certainly our contractor and their site foreman including their sur- veyor, and secondly required to be attended to and thirdly the perpetrator admonished and not paid as with any contractor, sub contractor, DIY etc
I would remind you again of a response to a query I made to our Agents on 6 March 2019 which was:
“Just one further thought? On your quarterly visits have you ever noticed any shoddy works or indeed any deterioration of any newly or renovated installed items in 2014.
I am actually amazed that after five years there is not a mark, nor damage, nor deterioration to be seen anywhere? I cannot recall a similar situation from previous refurbs.”
I received the following response by return: “Generally we are satisfied with the condition of Mitre House together with the workmanship that is undertaken around site.”
No mention of works needing attention, now or in next works’ schedule so if MHML (my) works were shoddy, as Mrs Hillgarth and you consider, Maunder Taylor, obviously don’t concur or missed it”? And “after five years there is not a mark, nor damage, nor deterioration to be seen any- where?”
Shoddy would look a helluva lot shoddier after 5 years, dontcha think? But it’s pristine!
As regards your continuing whining over the scrap of handwritten paper I signed, which it appears I was not authorised to do as a sole director as opposed to consulting my co-director as you should have advised your client, but in truth I would have signed a codicil to my Last
Will & Testament leaving you half my debts to get out into the fresh air for a smoke following four hours listening to the same rubbish you’d been accusing myself and MHML of for fifteen months de- spite denials with supporting documents that all was fabricated nonsense and then having to listen to your client denying on oath something that a psychiatrist would pronounce her insane for not agreeing to something so sensible as to making savings from items you don’t need for items you do need and then denying her comments “will be used for something else” and “well then every- body will be happy”, given the audio evidence and witnesses present to prove she was lying, so I suggest you avail yourself of some law, namely:
An unenforceable contract is a written or oral agreement that will not be enforced by courts. There are many different reasons that a court may not enforce a contract. Contracts may be unenforceable because of their subject matter, because one party to the agreement unfairly took advantage of the other party, or because there is not enough proof of the agreement.
The Dividends affair
Claim for misappropriation and/or conversion of monies owed to the Claimant.
Mrs Hillgarth was informed by an e-mail dated 1 June 2014 that (as a 25% shareholder of MHML) she could imminently expect an MHML dividend of approximately £3,500, payable out of the company’s profit on lease extensions. She has received no such dividend.
That’s yet another misquoted nonsense to add to all the others - and a lie
Firstly it was not dated 1 June, but 2 June 2014 (making sourcing almost impossible and this is just
Unenforceable Contract
So please no more references as your client negated any contract once she agreed to the alternative contract somewhat yet again evidencing your incompetence and her greed
(or stupidity for not having taken our three previous offers costing her not one penny).
PLEaSE rEFEr to variouS attaCHED “PDF/FuRtheR ReFeRenCes” in SuPPort oF arguMEnt

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