P. 3

The various attachments thoroughly refute/disprove (for the umpteenth time in most cases) your lengthy ad nauseam list of observations/accusations/innuendos follows:
(vi) Correspondence advising ALL lessees of SAVINGS in progress and works update MHML/myself totally refute your client’s observations/accusations/innuendos that this notification was only made because “we’d been caught out?”
(vii) Correspondence (multiple) evidencing your client’s dishonesty/memory/contrariness
You will note “what you wanted to hear?”, the LIFT colour, “insisting on having a third party pres- ent”, comment re: works’ attendance of artisans?
Don’t you regret not simply asking for relevant accessible documentation and then staying on your feet for an hour or two?
(i) Our Surveyor’s correspondence outlining finance and budget restraints resulting in a necessity to reduce non essential workings
Refutes your observations/accusations/innuendos that MHML/myself surreptitiously/illegally/unnec- essarily reduced workings?
(ii) Full Lessees’ Decor Voting Results well indicating a fair true result on date presented & corre- spondence confirming same
Refutes your client’s pathetic observations/accusations/innuendos that MHML/myself fiddled the vote to suit anybody’s preference?
(iii) Correspondence referencing LIGHTING/Electrics confirming NO LIGHTING/Electrics was in- cluded in the £105,097 approved budget
Begs the question of your client as to HOW these LIGHTING/Electrics were to be funded?
(iv) MHML’s final fully correct and comprehensive and legal s.20 Notice dated 22 June 2014 Refutes your observations/accusations/innuendos that MHML/myself did not follow correct statutory s.20 procedures?
(v) A fully s.20 prepared for Water Tank emergency and correspondence regarding funding and lack of
Refutes your client’s observations/accusations/innuendos that MHML/myself did not follow correct statutory s.20 procedures or could have utilised £2000 additional contributions for Water Tank emergency as NONE were paid by certain lessees including your client (see
And never forget the infamous email dated 7 Jul;y 2012 from Mrs Hillgarth saying “you choose” re Decor Vote!!!!
Or even more relevant, her email dated 9 April 2012 suggesting artworks/topiary and some coral/green decor???
(viii) Flat 4 Dr Samya Riad confirming that NO VOTES were taken at a meeting to decide decor/contractor and her disquiet of your client’s claiming so?
Refutes your client’s observations/accusations/innuendos that she at any time had any majority on any subject/vote/decision?
(ix) Letter to ALL lessees dated 8th June 2015 announcing £16,201 in reserves as opposed to pre- dicted £11,243
Refutes your observations/accusations/innuendos that MHML/myself could possibly have stolen £29,000....!!!!
(x) Correspondence to ALL lessees regarding awaiting final Accounts to view all documentation Refutes your observations/accusations/innuendos that MHML/myself could possibly have stolen £29,000....!!!!
(xi) Letter to ALL lessees outlining your’s and your client’s observations/accusations/innuendos as a pack of lies

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