P. 319
In their letter to you dated 13 December 2013 Boyce, Evens & Carpenter made reference to a draft specification they had prepared, but this draft specification was never communicated to the leaseholders. It is true that the leaseholders saw a number of different quotations from different contractors, but it was not clear to the leaseholders what scope/specification these contractors were quoting against. Hence leaseholders were never able to compare like with like. Seemingly some or all the tendering contractors had different instructions.
I just cannot believe how bizarre [and yes, all repeated in multiple emails] the above statement is [and I agree requested ad nauseum by Mrs Hillgarth and one other lessee]
1_ An “Invitation to Tender” dated December 2013 was drawn up, but most of this seemed irrelevant and/or incomprehensible.
The Surveyor’s Schedule of Works is hardly irrelevant and/or incomprehensible.
2_. In their letter to you dated 13 December 2013 Boyce, Evens & Carpenter made reference to a draft specification they had prepared, but this draft specification was never communicated to the leaseholders.
This again is the Surveyor’s Schedule of Works – see above for same explanation.
3_ It is true that the leaseholders saw a number of different quotations from different contractors, but it was not clear to the leaseholders what scope/specification these contractors were quoting against. Hence leaseholders were never able to compare like with like. Seemingly some or all the tendering contractors had different instructions.
To cut a long story short.... When Management purchased the Head Lease in July 2011 we immediately [as we knew both Internals/Externals were [over] due 2012/2013 latest] so we, in the interest of maximum economy [which was our main raison d’etre for buying the Head Lease] set about organising well ahead of our actual taking over from present Agents, KFH, the simplest project being the Internals [not the externals].
To that end, and being more than au fait with interior design and architecture [most especially that of art movement when Mitre House was built in 1917 and it’s beautiful interior features needing refurbishment and attention all of which could be done by anybody with the time and talent to do at minimal intrusion and expense], works schedules and organising supplier’s quotes etc we decided, for maximum efficiency and economics, and the fact that one us could be on site 24/7, to not go the normal one project, one main contractor [who then has the responsibility to hire sub-contractors and they then etc etc] but to hire individual artisans and suppliers so negating any loading of costs keeping budgets to a minimum.
We organised and arranged an array [generally in duplicate or sometimes more] quotes from various independent contractors, such as for painting and decorating, the floor, the crittall windows, the lighting, the woodwork etc – all of which were obviously dated late 2011 [and yes they were all subsequently published on the website but by now all well out of date].
But as has been well explained previously, the budget we proposed of £27,000 incl. vat and fees early in 2012 (in fact sent with the December 2011 Quarterlies or thereabouts) was