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managed, the project is brought to a satisfactory conclusion. Mitre House’s works in 2014 was a perfect example of good management, good works, sensible and common sense budgeting resulting in far more workings than scheduled at very minimal additional cost [about £877 over budget I recall which is pretty acceptable under the circumstances]
Apparently the money saved by no longer proceeding with a third colour (cost approx £1875 as advised) had been used to pay the annual insurance premium. But an insurance premium is a regular predictable expense which in any well-run management regime should come out of the regular service charge. Your unorthodox methodology, using the alleged savings from a one-off project to pay a predictable and recurring charge, begs the question whether Mitre House would have been insured at all if no savings had been generated on the project.
Mrs Fortunati or maybe Mrs Hillgarth requested or somebody must have, a third colour – I’ll have references somewhere – it was probably some ridiculous idea to add a colour to the dado rail and was quoted at £1875 obviously.
What this has to do with Management paying both our Building Insurance and our (lift) Engineering Insurance I haven’t the faintest idea – the accounts for 2015 show Insurances paid of £2302 for 2014 and £2337 for £2015 – I can’t see any correlation?
Nobody paid any additional £1875, it wasn’t invoiced, discussed further or added to the Lawrence budget. It doesn’t exist except in the overall list of accusations.
This getting even more complex to answer in detail -
Following this last e-mail of 21 September 2014 Diego Fortunati wrote to you a very clear and (in the circumstances) very polite e-mail dated 22 September 2014 asking (inter alia) who was actually carrying out the internal and external works?
I did the Lift with professional assistance from our Lift engineers
Why had you unilaterally changed the scope of works originally approved, imposing works none of the lessees had agreed (the replacement TV aerial)
He did agree to TV install, and Water Tank and additional £2000 and wanted all sorts of other improvements, such as the lift, lighting etc but like Mrs Hillgarth had obviously not read the Schedule of Works, which if he had [or Mrs Fortunati had] it would have become apparent that all sorts of other improvements, such as the lift, lighting etc were not included....
And please no comment back that they should have been scheduled – they were not affordable, [and made abundantly clear to all lessees including Mrs Hillgarth in multitudes of correspondence], as can be easily seen from the various tenders including Wade which only covered what was required to be done under the terms of our Head Lease and not for cosmetic improvements and utilised all available funds plus the additional £2000 per lessee.
Thankfully due to some exemplary management of available funds, MHML did exactly as everybody wanted for the interior within the budget, save for Caribbean Sunset instead of white and taupe, and Bronze for lift [to match existing bronze window frames on all landings adjacent to lift] as opposed to black or dark grey. The Lift car interior [not included in the

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