P. 334
MHML have never issued a Dividend since inception – we did what any company would do and offset a very outstanding debt against Mrs Hillgarth’s amount due.
Mrs Hillgarth has previous form in not paying her fair share of amounts due – I refer to our initial set-up costs which we all four agreed to share – Mrs Hillgarth deemed otherwise and in a previous payment to her we again docked £285 due to us.
Mrs Hillgarth is also very dissatisfied that she has been denied access to information about the internal and external refurbishment work carried out at Mitre House. Not only she (on 10 and 15 December 2015), but also Diego Fortunati (on 17 and 21 December 2015) and Christopher Lee-Pemberton (since May 2015) have each pressed you, without success, to provide relevant details of the work carried out and a proper breakdown of the service charge accounts for the year ended 31 December 2014. In particular they wish to understand the expenditure referred to in the accounts as “reserves utilised”.
Somewhat surprised as there is a statutory clause in our lease requiring access to view etc within 6 months of the accounts being published but none was received within that period.
Management wish to have this matter with Mrs Hillgarth terminated for good and as previously stated were quite content for the 2014 works’ invoices to be inspected and to supply copies and as offered to courier over same [my letter dated 1 April 2016] before your deadline of Friday 8 April 2016 close of play – an offer seemingly ignored as no reply as of close of play on Thursday 7 April 2016 to my offer letter of 1 April 2016, so presuming not acceptable in this instance – an offer now withdrawn, anyway, as my letter accompanying this report outlines, until such time as we receive satisfactory confirmations and apologies for some slurs and accusations in your 13pp letter of 23 March 2016 (here replied to) including Mrs Hillgarth’s firm agreement to comply with the terms of her lease all as well indicated in my attached letter dated 7 April 2016 in the absence of yours to mine of 1 April 2016.
On receipt of those confirmations we will supply the requested documents and copies.
In your e-mail to Mrs Hillgarth dated 23 March 2015, in response to her numerous requests to see certain invoices relating to the water tank, the Sky TV aerial, the window repairs etc, you said: “Those invoices you are now requesting.....will be available to view once the annual accounts are finalised.” They weren’t.
Oh yes they were but I don’t recall a request to view within six months of the accounts or indeed subsequently.... Why am I blamed in such cavalier fashion?
You insisted on supplying your own MHML invoices. The “Special Invoice” from MHML dated 7 October 2014 “to re-cable and re-install your Flat 5 existing Sky dish to Mitre House Communal system” does not say (as one might reasonably have expected): “as carried out and invoiced by [named] installers” but rather “as quoted/costed by [unnamed] installers”. It reads as though you obtained a quote for doing this work but then either did the work yourself, or through another cheaper contractor, for the price quoted by a third party. If that is not what happened, you may wish to clarify what actually did happen.