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assume that there has been misfeasance and will report the matter to the relevant authorities for investigation.
I would reiterate that leases state an allowable 6 months from published accounts to view documentation. We did not receive a request within that period. So hardly our fault.
It is a hallmark of your correspondence that you rarely address the question which has been put to you. You tend to throw out a lot of “chaff”, responding (often in patronising and/or derogatory terms) to questions which have not been asked. Please do not make that mistake in response to the questions above. And please do not refer me to your website for this information, as you have Mrs Hillgarth and other leaseholders. As you know, the information we seek is not to be found there. There is no breakdown of what has been done (or by whom) and how much individual appointed contractors have cost the lessees.
I apologise for any “chaff” and also if I have missed any of your many queries or not answered comprehensively any of your queries. I regret the insistence on the website to being crucial in our strong denials of Mrs Hillgarth’s assertions as I still insist that it contains [and always did contain and probably always will contain] each and every document you have referred to as not on the website – with main reference being the famed, Schedule of Works – which believe me will set Mrs Hillgarth of yet another round of queries all of which I am well prepared for.
Inspection of Invoices
Under Section 22 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 Mrs Hillgarth has the right to inspect accounts, receipts, and other documents supporting the accounts summary, and you are obliged to afford her reasonable facilities to do so, including the ability to take copies or extracts. Since you have consistently denied her this information she has asked me to undertake this on her behalf. In summary I am now asking you to take the following actions:
Please let me know a suitable time and place where I may inspect the relevant invoices referred to in questions (a) to (d) above. I repeat that I expect to see the original invoices from suppliers. Not copies, and not invoices prepared by MHML. I have advised Mrs Hillgarth that to the extent you fail to produce invoices from A&R Lawrence totalling £105,877, she and other lessees are entitled to recover the shortfall from MHML and/or its directors.
One hopes not, as well explained somewhere above or in correspondence to date
1. Please pay to Mrs Hillgarth in full, and within 14 days of the date of this letter, a dividend equal in amount to any and all dividends or other distributions paid to the other three shareholders of MHML since the formation of the company (after deduction of any sums already paid to her on account of dividend by MHML).
I think not as no Dividends have been paid to any Director and Mrs Hillgarth [despite your assumptions as to the legality of we charging her [in minute detail] for time & costs in dealing with her abortive RTM application] remained an overdue debtor on our company accounts.