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58His immediate reply at 13:52 on the same day was pure blackmail and his tone became more fero- cious: "No way Michele --- keys and your tenant's dish is just the tip of the iceberg --- you ain't listen- ing --- YOU CANNOT CHERRY-PICK YOUR WANTS & NOT-WANTS--It's all or nothing. You haven't got a leg to stand on:
No permission to sub-let Uncarpeted bare wooden floors In arrears on agreed fees due
Illegal installation of tenant dish on roof. .
All or nothing Michele --- get your coterie of miscreants to comply to all monies due, including the £2,000, and the voluntary contributions required for the Water Tank and TV set-up. Then you'll get your key and permission to sub-let and permission to install your tenant's dish. As I said, you started all this nonsense, now it's up to you to sort. Fast".
59 At 14:01 he continued: "We'll see --- we're holding all the cards and you're in serious jeopardy re lease obligations --- no way will we simply sort the tv on your behalf --- we'll make sure you jump through every hoop imaginable for the tenant dish and then some. You have my word on that, Michele Wise up Michele --- the game's over, the gloves are off and you're heading for the dressing room.”
60 At 14:08 I replied: "You are indeed holding all the cards. Especially when it is only my flat who has on individual satellite dish... The facts will speak for themselves, as when we were last on the roof to in- spect the dishes, you pointed out the most enormous dish belonging to Sam yo [one of the other ten- ants]. You said you knew nothing about the installation of that, so I find this constant targeting [of me]
61 most interesting. This is my last e-mail on the subject. "
That then was the distinctly unattractive state of the conversation when I called on Mr Brown-Consta- ble the following dav, on 30 September 2014, accompanied by a police officer. The police officer wit- nessed this demand for "outstanding bills", but would not have understood precisely what was being referred to. I did hand over in the course of that conversation a cheque for £867.87, which was my share of the payment for the water tank. Mr Brown-Constable accepted that cheque at the time al- though he subsequently demanded that I should pay the money by bank transfer, because his bank allegedly ---I did not believe him - could not read my writing on the cheque. I have kept the cheque and one can see that the writing on it is no different from any other cheques I write.
62It seemed to me inappropriate and unprofessional when Mr Brown-Constable asked the officer if he knew a friend of Mr Brown-Constable in the police force who would be that officer's superior. The of- ficer replied no. It was clear that I was not going to get what I came for, and the conversation on Mr Brown-Constable's doorstep came to an end.
63 Following this unsuccessful visit the e-mail exchanges resumed later the same day. In an e-mail timed at 12:26 on 30 September he said: "As stated, the keys are still not in my possession --- see further attached --- despite your accusation that I was fibbing. I was not”. The attachment he was re- ferring to here, in order to try and convince me that he really had not had the keys on 30 September, was a Royal Mail slip stating that a delivery had been attempted on 27 September, but had failed be- cause there was a fee to pay. He was trying to pretend this (non-delivery) note related to my keys, but given his earlier statement to me that they were to be delivered on 11 September, and given his statement on 16 September that they were "available for collection", I did not (and do not) believe him. It was a lie and he knew it. I know it takes no more than two days for this sort of key to be dis- patched, and at that time, in the early stages of the refurbishment, he was having lots of other things delivered. If necessary I am sure it would be possible to contact the security company which despatched the keys to find out when they were sent.
64 His e-mail went on: "I am far too busy arranging Mitre House .... to wander about collecting things for you. ft will be done when I have the time, the energy, the inclination and all outstanding items are fully cleared from your overdue account with Management. Clear enough ..... 1 refused to accept your cheque for the keys for the reasons stated. You are in serious arrears over other matters and

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