P. 382
From: Subject: Date: To:
Mitre House Management Ltd
Mitre House/Payments UPDATE
2 October 2014 20:57
Leoni-Sceti Maria, Riad Samya, michele Hillgarth, Leigh-Pemberton Christopher, Fortunati Diego & Susanna
Karupiah Segar, Lorna Raby
Payments to date/UPDATE (Flat 4) - another set-back:
1. NOTHING including their Window Repair invoice - seem incapable of any acknowledgement/reply - AWOL we
think and first of multiple legal process in hand.
2. FULLY PAID ALL AMOUNTS, Sept Quarter in FULL incl. £2000, plus voluntary Tank & Communal install
3. PART PAID - £650 as opposed to £2650 (Demands), but has paid both Tank & Communal install
4. PART PAID - £525 as opposed to £2525 (Demands), but no voluntary contribution to Tank & Communal install 5. PART PAID - £650 as opposed to £2650 (Demands), but has paid Tank BUT DECLINES Communal install
6. FULLY PAID ALL AMOUNTS, Sept Quarter in FULL incl. £2000, plus voluntary Tank & Communal install
7. FULLY PAID ALL AMOUNTS, Sept Quarter in FULL incl. £2000, plus voluntary Tank & Communal install
8. PART PAID - £650 as opposed to £2650 (Demands), but no voluntary contribution to Tank & Communal install 9. PART PAID - £650 as opposed to £2650 (Demands), but has paid Tank BUT DECLINES Communal install
As can be seen - total disarray, not even near consensus save for those lessees who have paid in full and have the sense to save money whilst scaffolding remains in place - a sad reflection on Flats 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9 who either have not understood the consequences or wish to pay considerably more in costs (the tank) or legal fees for arrears.
And do not for one minute think you will not be held to account for non-payment of your £2000 agreed contributions. It's a racing certainty involving your mortgage provider (if applicable) and your wallet in legal fees, making the £2000 seem like cigarette money! And if we decide to start proceedings to re-possess your property, have it on record we will.
One spokesperson. One deadline. One payment. Last call for common sense or are we simply wasting our time?
I think so - onwards with Section 20, notice to all including sub-let tenants as regards possible contaminated water supply, and decimated interior works leaving a filthy untouched floor etc etc - I must be dreaming....!
Paul Brown-Constable / +44 207 589 7502 Mbl: +44 798 33 33 543 on behalf of the Directors of
7 Mitre House / 124 Kings Road / Chelsea / London SW3 4TP / email: management@mitrehouse,org