P. 411
The Registrar of Companies;
Your Reference Dissolution Support/07731341/CW
By recorded delivery
2 January 2019
Dear Sir/Madam,
PFC Begg
9th Floor
Metro Building
1, Butterwick Hammersmith London W6 8DL Tel: 020 8846 2705 Fax: 020 8846 2802
Companies House,
Crown Way,
Cardiff CF14 3UZ
Mitre House Management Limited (“MHML”) – Company No: 07731341
Mitre House, 124 King’s Road, London SW3 4TP (“Mitre House” or “the Property”)
Directors of MHML: Paul Brown-Constable, Dima International Limited (Jamil Raja) and Segar Karupiah (resigned 29 September 2016) (together “the Directors”).
Thank you very much for your letters dated 3 December 2018 (Your Ref DR) and 6 December 2018 (Your Ref CW). Following receipt of your first letter a formal application to dissolve MHML was submitted to Companies House on 5 December 2018 and the notification process is currently under way. (Mrs Hillgarth, for whom I act, has already received a copy of the form DSO 1 from the directors of the company).
I can confirm that we have no objection to your disclosing the identity of Mrs Hillgarth as the objector (or indeed of my identity as her solicitor in this matter). I can reassure you that this will already be well understood by the MHML directors.
We are grateful that you have stopped this action until 28 February 2019. You state that in order to maintain the objection after that date we will need to provide acceptable evidence to show progress in resolving outstanding matters. Progress on resolving outstanding matters depends (unavoidably) on the attitude of the directors of MHML, who have thus far remained intransigent, impervious to any form of resolution. However, in answer to your request for evidence, and for our reasons for opposing the application, I am now writing to explain why it would be inappropriate to allow this company to be dissolved.
Grounds for opposing the Application for Dissolution
You may recall from my earlier correspondence that Mrs Hillgarth is one of the leaseholders at Mitre House at 124, King’s Road, Chelsea, London SW3 4TP, and is also a 25% shareholder in MHML. Since early 2014 several of the leaseholders (including Mrs Hillgarth) have been