P. 439
You will note in my letter dated 10 June 2016 that I mention on page two we received a discount of £2125.83 off the TV/Tank cost due to, exactly as pre-advised to lessees, they both could be done cheaper whilst scaffolding was in place. They both were and we negotiated a good discount.
As such your’s and Mrs Hillgarth’s constant & repeated references to how much was actually spent on the TV/Tank, subsequent to 10 June 2016 simply evidences, as I keep insisting, that neither she nor you properly peruse answers, evidence, comments and denials made in our reply correspon- dence to your correspondence? The answer being not £13,147 but £11,022 with the balance left in Reserves and was used, along with other savings, to fund the alleged non existent “additional items” all as well evidenced on your client’s two initial Wade quotes/Hemi quote, but nowhere to be seen on our final Surveyor’s Schedule of Works nor indeed Wade’s final tender?
As regards non listing of items to your liking, Surveyor, MHML etc, all I can say if it’s good enough for our present professional Agents, Maunder Taylor, to list all costs “including vat and fees”, I think it’s good enough for us too...! As is the recent [Maunder Taylor] vote by all lessees agreeing to run the Internals & Externals concurrently. No doubt you and Mrs Hillgarth will consider that the result of “internal management” and you’d be dead right?
You did, though, pick up on the Surveyor’s discount of £3185 (14 June) so there is a precedent set of our transparency of detail/discounts negotiated and received evidencing good Management of lessee funds despite Mrs Hillgarth’s constant whining and malicious gossiping to other lessees?
I also consider “petty” and without doubt proved a total fabrication being MHML (me) refusing and or ignoring requests from Mrs Hillgarth and some other named lessees to view the books etc from our YE2014 Accounts, all as admitted in Mrs Hillgarth’s own Witness Statement dated 8 August 2016 (Para 73). You will recall this accusation was referred to third parties, RBK&C, Macfarlanes, Royal London. It was quite simply totally untrue - a lie? And you will recall our various emails to all lessees including Mrs Hillgarth during the 2014 works to await publication of the 2014 Accounts and request a viewing of all and any documents they wish to peruse. We received none, but had we, we would obviously have obliged and all Mrs Hillgarth’s suspicions and accusations would have been disproved or queries easily answered - and think of the money (£30,000?) that would have saved?
Let alone negated a 333% increase in Annual outgoings for 2019 over and above the £1600 odd which it has cost all lessees to date including moi! Collateral damage caused by one big lie?
And if anything disproves Mrs Hillgarth’s accusation of MHML mismanaging the management duties and overcharging lessees at Mitre House for 6 years, you could hardly find better proof than a £3000 increase in Management Fees and a £7000 increase in Annual Demands within 12 months?
I am quite open to your additional suggestions, but in the meantime, I would propose we restrict our meeting to the following topics:
i) The two initial WADE quotations, dated 3rd July 2012 and 23 January 2013, and the Hemi quote dated 3 July 2012 - relevance/additional works
ii) MHML's initially proposed £25,000 budget and subsequently enlarged to £35,000 with Surveyor’s Interior Schedule of Works dated 2012 - relevance/additional works
iii) The Surveyor’s Schedule of Works for Internals & Externals dated December 2013 - relevance the additional works