P. 465

 From: Michele Hillgarth Subject: Re: Mitre House further update - FEES
Date: 27 April 2011 at 22:52
To: Graffiti Editions Limited
Dear Paul
I send my documents to Forsters
I agree with you it is expensive and will ring Paul Neville to see if they can improve on their prices .
I do not wish to spend more money than we need to but at the same times because of the number of people it s not as straight forward as it is .
The perfect example is we are running on a dead line after 2 months of discussion Between you and I the fact that some people have extended their lease as nothing to do with the management of the flats and have yet to understand that if some monkeys buy the place they will understand the reason but too late why we have spend so much time deciding on buying the Headlease not for the pleasure of spending money .
I will see if Pemberton from flat 8 has a solicitor
Perhaps let s talk tomorrow
Michle Sigg
----- Original Message ----- From: "Graffiti Editions Limited" <>
To: "Michele Hillgarth" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: Mitre House further update - FEES
Dear Michele -
Thanks for email - I regret that we are not close to sorting this out - everybody is either away (Flat 4) or no response. I have had replies from Flat 1 (but only the representative, not the owners and no documents, so I think it unlikely they will get organised in time), Flat 2 - IN OK with documents, Flat 3 (NOT IN), Flat 4 (Away), Flat 6 (OK IN with documents), Flat 8 (no response), Flat 9 (NOT IN) - so:
Flats 3, 8 and 9 all have extended leases and therefore have no reason to yet pay more money etc - so are staying out (in the case of Flat 8,
I am presuming OUT as I have never heard anything back for Mr. Leigh-Pemberton despite being copied all emails - unless you know differently).
     Confirmed as OK and IN - with documents ready are:

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