P. 598
A selectiOn OF HillgArtHisMs
“YOu cHOOse”
So I do and accused of ‘Vote Rigging’?
“i insist On HAving A tHird pArtY present”
So she turns up with a Policeman?
“sHe denies writing An unintelligible uncAsHAble cHeque - Or rAtHer wHen & wHY, but.....”
para 61 - Mrs Hillgarth’s Witness statement
“sHe’s Advised OF A bOArd Meeting”
And replies complaining of too short notice? It wasn’t.
“i dOn’t recOgnise tHe MAn’s vOice On tHe AudiO recOrding” Happens to be her co-Director and neighbour for twenty years?
“sHe’s Advised i’M AwAY Over A lOng week-end”
And replies wanting to know who’s looking after Mitre House in my absence? @
“we’re Accused OF running An OFFice in tHe bAseMent”
And claims she has photos to prove it?
“i’M cAugHt Out dOing sOMe wOrkings”
Which is the only reason lessees were notified of savings?
“we Are required tO HAve A Fire AlArM sYsteM (2012)”
We were not required to have one nor extinguishers, which we did have?
“tHe liFt cAge sHOuld be tHe sAMe brOnze cOlOur As YOu’ve dOne tHe dOOrs” Later she says she and a majority wanted a black lift...?
“i did nOt Agree tO MAking sAvings”
So what did “well then everybody will be happy” mean?
“tHere’s nObOdY wOrking At Mitre HOuse”
Because they were all on the scaffolding doing the exterior...!
“tHe signAge is All cHeAp plAstic”
It happens to be all brass and perspex
“wOrkings bY MHMl cOuld nOt HAve cOst MOre tHAn £5000 And nOt £31,756” The Lighting and electrics alone cost £12,500
PleaSe reFer To aTTaCheD “AddendA/FUrTHer reFerenCes” iN SuPPorT oF argumeNT
“That then was the distinctly unattractive state of the conversation when i called on mr Brown-Constable the following dav, on 30 September 2014, accompanied by a police officer. The police officer witnessed his demand for "outstanding bills", but would not have understood precisely what was being referred to. i did hand over in the course of that conversation a cheque for £867.87, which was my share of the payment for the water tank. mr Brown-Constable accepted that cheque at the time although he subsequently demanded that i should pay the money by bank transfer, because his bank
allegedly ---i did not believe him - could not read my writing on the cheque. i have kept the cheque and one can see that the writing on it is no different from any other cheques i write.” Just how much can one rely on Mrs Hillagarth’s memory of events?