P. 62

 From: Subject: Date: To:
Mitre House Management Ltd
Re:Wade Interior Design - REVISED reply with apologies
16 May 2014 at 02:58,,, Karupiah Segar, Leoni-Sceti Maria, Riad Samya, Jamil Raja, Graffiti Editions Ink/Designers, Leigh-Pemberton Christopher, Fortunati Diego & Susanna
Raby Lorna
 Apologies. Major mathematical ERRORS - please treat the following IN RED as more correct - unless you know better.
(Small excuse - WADE have now quoted EXACTLY the same specs for INTERNALS & EXTERNALS as our previous tenders as outlined on the recent Section 20_2 (attached).
With one exception, namely WADE have also included in their total cost a TOP WHACK, FIRST CLASS TERRAZZO CLEAN & REPAIR for £13,802 plus vat (total £16,562).
WADE'S new INTERNALS Quote, including TERRAZZO clean and repair, totals £42,562 incl. VAT, but not fees or contingencies.
Their previous quote (which was the basis of the (A) and (B) question) totalled £51,647.76 incl. VAT but again, not fees or contingencies.
I am not sure if Michele is happy to accept WADE's new quote (£42,562 incl. VAT) which does NOT have all her previous wishes included (the lift refurb being an example) which are in the previous quote (£51,647.76 incl. VAT) - it would be useful to confirm which specs and quote she prefers to use.
For the following, I am presuming she prefers the LESS extensive and expensive new quote of £42,562 incl. VAT, but not fees or contingencies.
If indeed, she prefers the more extensive and expensive previous quote of £51,647.76 incl. VAT but again, not fees or contingencies, I have added a postscript showing revised additional funds required.
It's simple: To progress either of Michele's WADE preferences, it'll cost you an additional Reserves' contribution of either £12,210 or £13,320....which Michele suggests is not collected until next year! Reserves at present are sufficient to cover her preferred INTERNALS
So here we go, a REVISED outline with changes in RED....but if you don't like facts and figures, don't proceed! And yes, I agree, ruddy complicated:
Dear Michele,
Thank you for your email of today ref. WADE QUOTE.
ALL figures below are total outlays for both INTERNALS & EXTERNALS. FEES & CONTINGENCIES are (conservatively) costed at PLUS 15%
As you will note, Wade's Quote totals £158,805 plus VAT, resulting in a total outlay of £190,566 plus fees and contingencies.
I think it would be fair to assume with fees and contingencies a grand total of £205,786 all in (Internals/Externals) to make fair comparison against all other quote totals as outlined on the recent Section 20 Notice_2 which outlined all quotes to date (attached for ease of reference) and they all include fees and contingencies.
You will note the cheapest quote to date is that from A & R Lawrence for £106, 541 incl. VAT and fees and contingencies.
BUT, A & R Lawrence's quote does NOT include WADE's additional £13,802 plus VAT for a super Terrazzo clean & repair.
Consequently, if we were to reduce WADE's quote by £13,802 plus VAT for fair comparison, it would TOTAL £189,223 versus A&R Lawrence's £106,541
Still a considerable difference of £82,582
As I am presuming you might now argue fees and contingencies, I therefore give you the very same same figures BUT without fees and contingencies for both WADE and A & R Lawrence, namely:

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