P. 69

 From: Mitre House Management Ltd Subject: Mitre House - ECONOMICS
Date: 22 May 2014 at 11:09
To: Michele Hillgarth
Bcc: Karupiah Segar, Graffiti Editions Ink/Designers, Raby Lorna
Dear Michele -
Thank you for your email reply to attend at midday tomorrow for our Board Meeting - I think you'll find that a Board Meeting can be called given reasonable notice, which 15th May to 23rd May certainly does.
I note your suggested additions to the Agenda.
All quotes to date are available as indeed is the Minutes book.
With reference to the six main quotes to date, incl. WADE's recent, I can confirm that each contractor has quoted/priced/costed identical items on all six specifications (which we have on file to peruse). Identical workings for both Internals & Externals.
The one main difference is that WADE have quoted for a £13,802 plus vat super duper terrazzo floor clean, whereas the other 5 have only quoted as specified in the specifications, namely a good adequate clean with no repairs etc. All, I might add, as well explained in my reply to your recent email, and indeed further explained below.
I also asked the question as to which workings you wish WADE to undertake, the more extensive original quote to incl. lift refurb etc, or the slightly lesser workings in the recent and approved Surveyor's Specifications quoted on by all six contractors to date.
Managements £25,000 budget Internals has been well explained and consists of painting and repairing and some cosmetics including cleaning the floor but all within a max budget of £25,000, which is dropping by the month. Management's quote also includes lighting fitments if affordable, whereas all six contractor quotes do not (because we can do cheaper, simple as that, by buying in ourselves). To be fair, WADE's original quote DID include some lighting and electrics.
As previously sent, have a look at the attached QUOTES' ANALYSIS, which now includes WADE's.
As previously explained, find the original specifications from our Surveyor (or simply peruse WAD's supplied quote which is identical) and follow the Page Numbers and Item Numbers on the ANALYSIS to see exactly what each contractor is charging for the exact same works, be that scaffolding, painting and decorating, and even terrazzo cleaning. The ANALYSIS is the only way to properly compare each contractor's costings and is very easy to follow - either cloose a page number/item number from the WADE quote and find it as listed on the ANALYSIS, or do vice-versa, find an item and page reference on the ANALYSIS and then find that page/item in WADE's quote.
As you have added these items, I think we should also add and expect your cheque in payment of the RTM invoice which you have had ample time to fairly appropriate the shared amounts from your fellow RTM colleagues. As you are aware and again can be added for confirmation, there is also the question of sub-let permission and close carpetting, not just for Flat 5, but the other Lessees who are in breach of their lease obligations.
It would also be helpful if you would supply/bring with you, written confirmation from each of your majority Lessees of their preferred intentions as recently outlined, most pertinently in your previous email and my reply, which remains unacknowledged. I have also NOT received one single reply to your RED questions. I am well aware of your insistence, and supposedly a majority, that WADE be the contractor for all works, Internal/External, a super duper clean be adopted, and finally that the Internals be done this year with the Externals next year and no additional money to be collected from Lessees via the quarterlies for the Externals until the Internals are finished late October, early November this year.
You'll never sell a flat here with that hanging over a purchaser! So let's see who exactly agrees with your preferences and contributing £12,210 or £13,320 to fund Wade's quote to cover both Internals/Externals, be that this year or next.
I have laid out below some pertinent and relevant facts for further consideration with two further attachments.
I have mentioned this before, and do so yet again.
I/we have absolutely no problem with WADE, since day one, it's simply that we don't have the money and can't afford the workings you have requested of them to quote for, again since day one. No other reason.

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