P. 79
From: Mitre House Management Ltd Subject: Fwd: Minutes - reply
Date: 6 June 2014 at 19:55
To: Karupiah Segar
Cc: michele Hillgarth Bcc: Lorna Raby
In answer to Michele's reply, suggest you receive, review and then forward onto her with the pdf attachment - any problems let me know but get it off tonight please - no need to copy Jamil as he's sick and tired of this whole affair - as indeed am I now - actually don't bother, I'm copying her on this - and will await response hopefully in my lifetime.....
My answers/replies are in BOLD after each comment Begin forwarded message:
From: Michel Hillgarth <> Subject: Minutes
Date: 6 June 2014 18:19:59 BST
To: Segar Karupiah <>
Cc: Paul Constable <>, Jamil Raja <>, <> Reply-To: <>
Dear Segar,
Thank you very much for sending the copy of the minutes for the meeting that was held on 23rd May 2014 at 12.00pm.
Firstly, please add into the minutes the below points:
- Paul charges a fee of £7.00 per day for his attendance at Mitre House. As far as I am aware this has never been approved at a board meeting, and there is no record or documentation to state otherwise. Until this has been agreed this charge should be suspended.
Reference Minutes From 25th August 2011 (Item 17) - in the absence of any director, a majority (quorum) can proceed with decisions.
Does Ms Hillgarth consider £7 a day excessive (or for an average 12 hour day, £1.71 an hour).
- The acknowledgement that the instructions given to the surveyor by PCB were verbal.
As discussed at Meeting, they were not only verbal, they were by email (and a meeting) as evidenced by Surveyors letter dated 13 December 2013 of which you received copies, twice.
- I would like it registered that the estimates provided are not “like for like” in my opinion, for example Wade has included several things such as lighting etc. which are not provided in some of the other quotes including the quote from A&R Lawrencde.
There are NO LIGHTS NOR ELECTRICS in either A&R Lawrence's tender, NOR INDEED ANY OF THE OTHER 5 TENDERS including WADE's -
Wades DID QUOTE for some electrics & lighting in their previous TWO quotes 3rd July 2012 and 23rd January 2013
As was proved CONCLUSIVELY at the meeting by Ms Hillgarth's inspection, ALL FIVE TENDER SPECIFICATIONS INCLUDING WADE's ARE 100% IDENTICAL
I would also like to make some comments on the minutes already presented (and I will refer to your reference system):
Point 5 (Board Minutes) –
I would like you to amend the first line as I am the one who requested to read the previous