P. 9

  From: Paul B_C Subject: Fwd: Mitre House SW3 - visitors etc
Date: 31 July 2017 at 01:55
To: Chris Hollisbrowne, Taylor Michael Maunder
  Hi Chris and Michael,
I’m away at present with minimal phone signal but just found a couple of calls from UK Power Networks from Friday, and this evening been informed by a neighbour that they were ringing bells to gain entry.
They obviously turned up unannounced as I had no idea of any appointment. And believe it or not on Wed 26th a lady surveyor from the freeholders turned up to check the roof unannounced at 9.15am knocking on my door (this despite their letter saying 7 August...) but she said they’d be coming on the 7th as well (as i told you, I wouldn’t hold my breath for them as her unannounced visit proves and their other appointments have been no- shows).
And of course, Peter Lee of PL Consulting was also attended to re: Asbestos checking on Tues 25th - and I also handled our monthly PIP inspection of the lift on Wed 26th.
That’s why I’m away on furlough - I’m worn out! I appreciate UK Power and other electrics will need to be in some regular attendance at some stage and on Thursday I tidied up the basement area (courtesy of Peter Lee leaving the key on Tuesday) ready for any works down there on the electrics. (photos attached - the drapes are simply to protect the shelving of misc spares, bulbs etc for Mitre House, from dust and for security etc)
But please, no more expecting me or other live in residents to oblige attending to callers as it’s a ruddy nuisance as you’ll no doubt appreciate. They should either be accompanied or have a key.
I’ll be back towards next week-end hopefully. Best wishes,
PS If you want to start WW3, suggest to Mrs Hillgarth that her tenant in Flat 5 be your point of contact as Mrs H was very indignant of my £10 a day Concierging fee - in fact indignant of every aspect of the running of Mitre House - including, as she refers, to the “dead" plants around the place and having an office in the basement using lessees electricity for heating, so beware as eventually she’ll do same to you as sure as eggs are eggs!
PPS - and don’t whatever you do mention her breaches of lease covenants or you’ll be back at the First-Tier Tribunal by Christmas!

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