Page 288 - FINAL MASTER 616pp 20-6-19 SOUND
P. 288

 -46- “HOW DID YOU THINK MHML WERE FUNDING THE NEW LIGHTING?”          I submit that this accusation to RBK&C subsequent to our denial and in light of Mrs Hillgarth’s Witness Statement admission (para 73) evidences Mrs Hillgarth’s contrariness and dishonesty in repeating this ridiculous observation to all lessees and in her Witness Statement lodged at First Tier Tribunal and is indicative of all her other vindictive and imagi- native fantasies. In other words almost every word & accusation is untrue. As regards your constant reference to the paucity of professionalism, nay competence, of the works that I performed, or indeed your client’s observations as to its cost, worth and requirement, and most notably your concern, investigation and conclusion as regards who what and when my work- PLEaSE rEFEr to variouS attaCHED “PDF/FuRtheR ReFeRenCes” in SuPPort oF arguMEnt 

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