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-21- SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT TO CITY OF LONDON POLICE and to THE INSOLVENCY SERVICE mitre house management limited (“mhml”) – company no: 07731341 mitre house, 124 King’s road, london sW3 4tP (“mitre house” or “the Property”) directors of mhml: Paul Brown-constable, dima international limited (Jamil raja) and segar Karupiah (resigned 29 september 2016) (together “the directors”). plan Xs account on the same day) £7,500 was paid on 17 July 2015 (following which £7,500 was paid by mhml to mhml’s Price- plan Xs account on the same day) £1,250 was paid on 27 august 2015 (this was not matched by an equivalent payment to mhml’s Priceplan Xs account on the same day, but there were substantial payments to that ac- count made a few days before and a few days afterwards). A CONSIDERED RESPONSE: THESE WERE LOANS MADE BY ME TO MHML AT ZERO INTERESTTOADEQUATELYFUNDAPROJECT(REFURBISHINGMYFLAT)TOPROMOTE MHML’S INTERIOR DESIGN CAPABILITIES SUBSEQUENT TO THE INTERIOR REFURBISHMENT AT MITRE HOUSE AND WERE ALL REPAID IN FULL BY YEAR END - 39. furthermore in the same period in 2015 some £11,526 of additional payments, which again do not look like service charge payments, (and which would not have been paid to the Pri- ceplan Xs account if they had been service charge payments) were unaccountably made by Paul Brown-constable personally in 2015 directly into the Priceplan Xs account, as follows: £5,276 was paid on 2 June 2015 £4,500 was paid on 15 June 2015 £1,750 was paid on 27 august 2015 40. What this means is that in the course of 2015 Paul Brown-constable, for no apparent reason, transferred nearly £30,000 (actually £29,776) to these two mhml accounts. mr Brown- constable has been asked to account for this, but has failed to provide any explanation. A CONSIDERED RESPONSE: AS ABOVE 41. at the end of 2014 the figure standing to the credit of the reserve account was £20,109, and by 20 december 2015 it was down to £11,548. But then from 21 december 2015 an unexpected development took place – namely that substantial monies were (for no apparent reason) paid into the reserve account such that by the end of 2016 the amount standing to the credit of the reserve account had actually risen by £29,702.71 (from £11,548 on 20 december 2015 to £41,250.71 on 31 december 2016). A CONSIDERED RESPONSE: SIMPLY THE NORMAL TRANSFER FROM FUNDS RECEIVED FROM LESSEES INTO THE DEMANDS ACCOUNT OVER TO THE RESERVE ACCOUNT PLUS ANYARREARSOROUTSTANDINGAMOUNTS-STRAIGHTFORWARDHOUSEKEEPING? 42. on 21 december 2015 the sum of £5,332.35 was paid into the reserve account from mhml’s demands accounts. then in the course of 2016 further payments were received into the leaseholders’ reserve account made mostly (as to around £18,127) from mhml’s de- mands account, but also (as to around £5,425) from the mystery account no: 25809768, plus a direct payment of £800 made by Paul Brown-constable personally. the total of these payments into the reserve account (£29,684) broadly reflect the sum of £29,776 which had been paid into mhml accounts in the previous year by Paul Brown-constable. Transactions in 2016 – Unexplained credits to the Leaseholders Reserve Account Please refer to attached “ADDENDUM/FURTHER REFERENCES” in suPPort of argument 

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