Page 59 - FINAL MASTER 616pp 20-6-19 SOUND
P. 59
Leaseholders & RESIDENT YES_agree No Comment No_do not agree Vote With Majority PREFERENCE TRADITIONAL_A BELLE EPOQUE_B Mirrors avg Quote: £7000 Carpets avg Quote: £4000 Flat 1 Flat 2 Flat 3 Flat 4 Flat 5 Flat 6 Flat 7 Flat 8 Flat 8 Flat 9 TRADITIONAL_A VoteWithMajorityVoteWithMajority BELLE EPOQUE_B yes No_do not agree TRADITIONAL_A No_do not agree possibly BELLE EPOQUE_B No_do not agreeNo_do not agree TRADITIONAL_A No_do not agreeNo_do not agree with reservations (owner) (Lisa) BELLE EPOQUE_B BELLE EPOQUE_B BELLE EPOQUE_B BELLE EPOQUE_B yes Vote With Majority yes Vote With Majority yes Vote With Majority with comment yes Vote With Majority MAJORITY VOTE 5-4 Belle Epoque Vote With Majority None plus Lisa Flat 8 Belle Epoque FINAL VOTE RESULBTELSLE EPOQUE 6-4 and alternatives EQUAL 4/4 Mirrors one yes MIRRORS 6-4 TRADITIONAL_A No_do not agree with comments amount to be discussed possibly 3-0 / No Carpets four Vote With Majority and 2 possibles 8 - 0 No To CARPETS