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  From: Michel Hillgarth Subject: RE: Wade Tender Date: 15 April 2014 at 16:48 To: Graffiti Editions Ink/Designers Cc:  Paul , Thank you for a straight forward and simple reply . I shall forward this email to Wade and ask them to quote for Internal and external . Best Michele From: Graffiti Editions Ink/Designers \[\] Sent: 15 April 2014 03:28 To: Michele Hillgarth Subject: Wade Tender Dear Michele - So that all is kept comparable to tenders received to date, do please request of Wade/Neil Broadbent to cost/quote each item, as outlined on the Works Specifications, separately where applicable. It would also be helpful to know if indeed Wade are also quoting for Externals. Would you kindly advise me once you are advised. And of course it would be very helpful to have their Tender well ahead of May 15th, which to be fair, is a pretty lengthy lead time even with the Easter holiday looming. If I can be of any assistance give Neil my number but as stated I am loathe to get too involved as I do not want any misunderstanding as to the independence of Wade's site visit and subsequent costings. I'm sure you will oversee the tender in a fair and uncompromising fashion. Many thanks, Paul Paul Brown-Constable / +44 207 589 7502 Mbl: +44 798 33 33 543 on behalf of the Directors of MITRE HOUSE MANAGEMENT LIMITED   

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