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L ast November, Eric Gautier Both The Motorcycle Diaries and and, combined with his work on
Clean were showcased at Cannes to much critical acclaim and also created a lot of interest in Gautier’s innovative photography.
On Walter Salles’ The Motorcycle Diaries - during the entire four months of shooting where he never saw one foot of rushes - he interchanged Super 16mm with 35mm to transform and contrast the more formal and stylised imagery to one with a rougher, freer, more intimate documentary look.
On Olivier Assayas’ Clean, he man- aged to use long lenses (Cooke S4) lenses on a handheld 35mm Aaton with a 2.35 format (with a three perfo- ration mechanism) to create an up close and personal kind of look for a character struggling to kick drugs and re-claim her life. The result won Maggie Cheung Best Actress at Cannes
received the Prix Vulcan, the Best Artist-Technician award from the Conseil Superieur de la Technique (CST, the French equivalent of our BKSTS) for his
recent work on The Motorcycle Diaries and Clean. Does he like being referred to as a technician: “Oh, yes,” he replied. “These days a cinematograph- er has to be an artist creating images and also a technician who controls the tools and machinery while supervising the different departments and crew members. That’s all part of the job.”
His other main credits include Intimacy, Sentimental Destinies, Esther Kahn, and PolaX, while his most regu- lar working collaborations have been with directors Patrice Chéreau, Olivier Assayas and Arnaud Desplechin.
The Motorcycle Diaries, the Grand Technical Prize for Gautier.
Gautier says he strives to do differ- ent things on each film and tries not
to repeat what he has done before. The Motorcycle Diaries – a road movie, with mainly exteriors all around South America – was, he adds, a real depar- ture from his previous films which were usually set in Paris cafés.
continued over
Photo main: Eric Gautier (right) with director Patrice Chéreau (centre) on the set of Gabrielle; inset top: a scene from The Motorcycle Diaries
Fuji Motion Picture And Professional Video • Exposure • 5
MOTION PICTURE & PRO-VIDEO behind the camera