Page 11 - The AUDIO Affair pdfs
P. 11

From: Subject: Date: To:
Michel Hillgarth
Mitre House Quotation from Wade Interior Design
15 May 2014 at 12:19
Paul Constable, Fortunati, Diego - GCIB LDN, Jamil Raja, Segar Karupiah,,, Samya Riad, Christopher Leigh Pemberton, susanna gnecco
Dear Paul, and all,
Please see the a/ached from quote from Wade in accordance with the specifica:ons given to him by the surveyor you appointed.
To start with, may I say that I am in agreement with the full contents of Diego’s e-mail dated as sent on 8.5.2014. But I would like to add that in view of the all the controversial direc:ons you have given, no work can proceed with any contractor un:l we know what work is to be
quoted for by the comparing contractors. I.e. following our mee:ng on 28th April at your premises you expressed in front of Neil that some of the exterior work as advised by the surveyor would not be included/undertaken, and therefore we need to make sure that all the quotes align.
Re: the interior, again we s:ll don’t know the precise list of works to be undertaken and therefore cannot move forward or jus:fy any comparisons. As you clearly indicated during our
mee:ng on 28th that you yourself would undertake some of the work, and I’m afraid you are not a professional so even if you did not charge for your work/:me this is not how we want the work to be done.
I can only repeat it again that the majority want the job undertaken by professional tradesman, and on this point we are s:ll unclear as to which company/companies you are puSng forward with their quotes. Your Sec:on 20 cannot be valid un:l this is provided. You can only blame yourself that this dragging on when repeated and legi:mate requests are ignored.
As explained in Diego’s e-mail with regard to the financing, the exterior and the interior should be done separately. This has been reiterated on countless occa:ons, most lately in my e-mail of 1.5.2014.
In your e-mail of the 2.5.2014 you laid out two op:ons – A and B. It has been made clear that the majority want to go with op:on B i.e. employing Wade to do the interior and then delaying the exterior work to 2015. But what is not wanted is any decisions to raise Quarterly Demands un:l the interior work is finally completed, and we can then move on to discussing op:ons and costs and financing for the exterior.
Following from this, if one can understand what you are saying in your separate e-mail to me on 2.5.2014, you are agreeing to what is laid out above:
“Your quite inexplicable behaviour over what, even to the uninitiated, would appear to be an extraordinarily fair compromise offered by Management to you and your fellow Lessees (which I might add, legally we are not required to do), as regards the use of your preferred contractor, Wade, with a budget of £51, 647 for the much disputed proposed Internals, and an equally equitable compromise to sort your other disagreement, namely to postpone the Externals until next year. See RED section (A) and (B) below.”

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