Page 38 - Sonoma County Gazette 12-18.indd
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   Well, then. I presume you have digested your Thanksgiving feast and are moving on to stressing about Christmas. Or, you have my full permission, not. My wife and I alternate between the full Christmas to-do and the minimalist no-fuss just us. They’re both good. Do what you want. You have my full permission.
Greetings Graton! I am one of those who don’t particularly enjoy the winter holidays. I like the colored lights and the days off work but that’s about it. This year, I feel as bah hum bug as ever but since it can be a difficult time of year, I have to remember that there are many in our community who struggle with real crisis during the holidays. So, I am going to step out of myself and sincerely say to you all that I wish you serenity, health and a true feeling of belonging this holiday season. I thank you for being the spirited and eclectic group of neighbors that you are. May you be warm and comfortable. Happy Holidays!
Holiday Gift Shopping in Graton! For your holiday shopping go local and please consider a gift certificate for Asyrah’s Garden Acupuncture Spa, Wine from Bowman Cellars, Antiques from Mr. Ryder & Company, beautiful art from the Graton Gallery, Wine from Paul Matthew Vineyards, Wine produced by Purple Wine & Spirits and as always you can purchase the gift of a delicious meal from Mexico Lindo, Willowwood and Underwood. You can even give the gift of a helping hand from the Graton Labor Center!
Santa is Coming to Town Yes, you read that right! Santa is coming to town. Please join the Graton Community Club’s annual picture with Santa event. This will be on Sunday December 9th. Santa will be there with his elves and cookies so please come say hello to your neighbors and have your picture taken with Santa. For more information please call 707.829.5314
Right now, as I write this, fire is on my mind, on everyone’s mind I’ll wager. I sit under smokey skies besmudged by the Camp Fire. I’m not happy about it, but I don’t think my soupcon of suffering measures up to that of Paradisians, or anyone who has braved a fire more directly than breathing air that’s a bit smudgy. Mind you, I grew up in Southern California back when smog alerts were a real and regular thing, so perhaps I am a bit jaded. By the time you read this, the air will have been washed clean by rain, I hope, and we can rest a bit and gear up for next year’s fire season.
There’s a lot of gearing up to do, I know. I just attended the second showing of the “Wilder than Wild” documentary presented as public service by the Park and Rec Board at Anderson Hall. The company was congenial, the content sobering. Afterwards a firefighter [working on getting the name. TA] from Cal Fire said a few words and took some questions. Richard Seaman and Amy Lemmer from Fire Safe Camp Meeker (FSCM) were also present, taking signatures on their petition and keeping the community apprised on what they are up to. More on that later.
I’d like to summarize the discussion for you, but even now I’m feeling a little overwhelmed by it all. I have relatives in Chico and near Lake Shasta (and of course many friends in Santa Rosa) who have watched the fire approach their doorstop on very angry cat feet. The danger of fire feels very real and personal right now, as I’m sure it does for you. I will just say that there was a vibrant discussion, with a frank and candid exchange of ideas. I know in diplomat-ese “frank and candid” is a euphemism for “shoes were thrown”, but in fact it was laudably civil, although emotions did run high at times.
Green Valley Village Wow, the houses going up at Green Valley Village are really starting to look great. I am very excited to welcome our new neighbors and so pleased to see affordable homes being built in Sonoma County. I wanted to get an update on the project so I called and spoke with local developer
I lack the space here to get into practical matters of fire preparation here, although I plan to return to the subject in future columns. What I might have space for is to address the emotional side of this subject: Fire is scary. It is frightening on a primal level, not least because it reminds us that ultimately, we are not in control. The Hawaiians have a goddess, Pele, who is in charge of fire, wind, and volcanoes—but being as we live in “Cali”-fornia I am going to nominate Kali, Hindu goddess of destruction, as the deity who is really
and Sonoma County resident Orrin Thiessen, Orrin told me that things are moving along with 4 of the 8 houses nearing completion with occupancy expected in the next 4 months. He wanted to let everyone know that there will be a call for volunteers in December to lay the sod for Graton Green Park. He said that an announcement of the exact date and time will be made but if you want to volunteer, you can give him a call at 707-823-0292. He feels it will be
in charge here. Kali has another side; she is also in charge of preservation of nature, a theme echoed by the “Wilder than Wild” film, in which explained the history of indigenous cultures using fire in harmony with the ecosystem, clearing underbrush (“ladder fuels”) and reducing the intensity of the inevitable wildfire. I speak now, however, of the angry face of Kali presented in the last few wildfire seasons. Her eyes are red with rage as she metes out destruction. Our emotions can be similarly dark.
a fun day. There two more homes that will be built by Habitat for Humanity. I did speak briefly with Habitat for Humanity but at the time of writing
this column, wasn’t able to confirm the details for building. I do know that volunteers will be needed for a blitz build in the spring of 2019 and that more fundraising is needed. I’ll keep you all posted in case you want to participate.
This is not to say that preparation is futile; far from it. Anything we do now, in preparation, might save lives and homes. This preparation will be on the individual level, the community level (through and with organizations like Cal Fire, the Camp Meeker VFD, Fire Safe Camp Meeker), and at the governmental level (for example, exhorting various governmental bodies for various kinds of help).
Purple Wine and Spirits Facility Update Purple Wine hosted a public meeting to discuss their revised plans on the use of their Graton facility. They have abandoned the idea of a tasting room and brewery and decided instead to focus on creating the capability to crush at the facility. In their words “Purple Wine & Spirit in Graton is currently a high-volume wine and spirits packaging and storage facility. We believe the facility and the community are better suited if we reduced volume and operated as an end-to-end wine and distillery production facility”. If you want more information you can contact Eric Gilliand at 707-824-5372 He can provide you with a FAQ sheet and a breakdown of their new four part plan. I appreciate the respect that they showed the community by holding this meeting. Yes,
As we have seen already in discussion this issue, sometimes we give in to our Kali nature and start blaming people for not helping enough. The County Gummint makes a fat and easy target here; they don’t always spend your tax money wisely, do they? I won’t argue the point. I will however, rejoinder that when confronting a powerful and angry goddess, such recriminations are a waste of scarce energy. There’s a lot of work to do, so figure out where your place is and pitch in. Join the VFD. Pester your county supervisor. Rip out some of that ivy. Get certified with a chainsaw. Help out with grant applications. Work the phones. Go in on a U-Haul with your neighbors and organize a dump run. Or, if you’re superhuman, do all of it. There is literally no amount of good work that is too much here.
the food and drinks were a nice touch but more importantly was that they were prepared, provided well thought out information and were open to the community’s opinions. Time will tell if they can hold true to the plan but I left with the impression that they will be committing their best efforts.
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Graton Community Services District A reminder that you are invited to these public meetings. Also, there is a website. If you want to be informed... be involved. There are regularly scheduled GCSD Board meetings held in
the Graton Day Labor Center at 2981 Bowen Street every third Monday
of the month at 6:00 pm. Please feel welcome to attend. They also have a
Important Date and Call for your Participation Please attend Board of Supervisor’s meeting for December 11, 2018 at 9:AM. This is an important meeting! This is the date when they are deciding whether the West County & Joe Rodota Trails are, in effect, parks and not transportation corridors. This will mean that outdoor and greenhouse cannabis operations will generally need to be set back 1000’ to these trails as they are for all Sonoma County parks.
Please let me know if there is something that you would like me to know or write about. You can reach me

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