Page 30 - Sonoma County Gazette February 2017
P. 30

Today’s Politics& Psychological Distress
As a result of the election coverage and transition to the incoming President Trump, increased stress levels and worsening relations between different groups in our communities have become the norm. Regardless of political persuasion, most of us lament this development and the effects on our emotional health, which can show up in our relationships and physical well-being.
“We’re seeing that it doesn’t matter whether you’re registered as a Democrat
or Republican — U.S. adults say they are experiencing significant stress from the current election,” said Dr. Lynn Bufka of the American Psychological Association. Headaches caused by election-related worry are on the rise, as are anger, harrassment, and hate-related crimes. While this election has been particularly contentious, and many people in Sonoma County are disappointed with the results, I am concerned that there is a more fundamental societal rift that is manifesting.
What is Going on Here?
While conflict in politics has been a central part of our democratic system, the climate of polarization has hit new levels. The breakdown of the conventional new outlets, hyperactivity of social media, insulation of differing groups through their own news sources, and the amplification of polarities by politicians is leading to significant schisms within this country.
Politicians, media outlets, and organizations that fund-raise have increasingly come to rely on negative ads, “fake news” targeting the opposition, trolls that harass people with opposing opinions, and other such tactics. These are designed to increase dissatisfaction with the other side and breed alienation from the system. This deflection tactic aims to shift attention away from the seemingly intractable problems in our society by blaming the opposition, and hopefully getting the vote, or the donation, from the viewer. It also leads people to rely on more primitive psychological structures—rigid thinking, extreme positions, less ability to see both sides of an issue.
The classic propaganda technique of “scapegoating” has been utilized by both sides, although the Republicans seem to be particularly enamored with the tactic. Negative focus on LGBT people, people with disabilities, immigrants, minorities, and women was clearly in evidence during the election. The flip side is the stereotypical characterization of Trump supporters by the Democrats as described by Anthony Bourdoin, a chef and media personality:
“The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that we’re seeing now... When we deny them their basic humanity and legitimacy of their views, however different they may be than ours, when we mock them at every turn, and treat them with contempt, we do no one any good.”
Action Steps:
As I see some of the modern societies that have fragmented into sectarian violence, I wonder, “Could that happen here?” It seems far-fetched, but we are now moving along a continuum, and our political and religious leaders seem to be encouraging increased polarization as a matter of course. Let’s do what we can to recognize the techniques being used to manipulate us into more rigid mindsets, those that prevent empathy or appreciation of the point of view of “the other,” and which ultimately lead to increased stress, victimization, discouragement, and helplessness.
So, what can we do?
• Watch the news and use social media sparingly. Get the needed information and
Sonoma West Medical Center, has a robot
and uses the robot for many critical medical consultations and life-saving interventions.
The robot is an international “rock star”. Physicians have come to Sebastopol from foreign countries to train on the use of the robot—or the robot cousins and family—to provide medical care in hospitals in Africa, India, Nepal, and even the far East.
Sadly, the robot does not have a name.
The Sonoma West Medical Foundation is sponsoring a “name the robot” contest for elementary school students in Palm Drive Health Care District with the deadline for name entries to be given to the Foundation on or before Valentine’s Day, February 14.
The winning name will be selected by Dr. Jim Gude (the robot’s human) and SWMC staff.
When the name is selected, SWMC and the Foundation will hold a celebration, award prizes, and have a robot naming ceremony. We hope,
of course, that the winners will invite family, friends, classmates and teachers to participate in the event.
The prizes are, of course, small robots!
Participating schools are encouraged to arrange a field trip to the hospital IN ADVANCE of the deadline so that the students can meet the robot to be named. For that matter, anyone can arrange to meet the robot. Please call the Foundation office at 823-8312 and someone will be happy to make the arrangements.
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• Learned helplessness is a killer. The current situation is not an invitation to withdraw—political engagement is particularly important now. The trick is in finding effective avenues that are in alignment with our views.
then get involved in other activities. Beware of “echo chambers” where we hear the same information and viewpoint over and over, and then believe it to be the truth.
• Mindfulness techniques can be helpful when negative thoughts keep creeping into our awareness.
• Get clear on what we believe in, what we are for, not always focusing on what we oppose.
• Get inspiration from some leaders: Thich Nhat Hahn during Viet Nam, Martin Luther King and Gandhi during conflict-filled eras where they worked for change while also keeping clear about the humanity of their opponents.

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