Page 12 - Sonoma County Gazette Oct. 2019
P. 12

Tapping for World Peace
In an effort to empower area students to relieve their own stress and anxieties and improve their learning environment, long-time Santa Rosa resident and Registered Nurse Beryl Ryan is offering FREE workshops in the practice of “Tapping” to area schools. Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), is a self-healing tool that uses a sequence of light physical tapping on external acupressure points to reduce or eliminate physical pain and negative emotions, including anxiety, stress and PTSD.
Got Pets? Here’s what you need for Evacuations & Emergencies
Like your own emergency kit, the ones you create for your animals should include three to five days of food, water and medications. Some suggestions not mentioned frequently are good photos - especially close up so you can see unique features that make identifying your pet easier.
 Ryan, a Certified EFT/ Tapping Practitioner who specializes in trauma, has found Tapping to
CHIP your pet! Wouldn’t it be wonderful is every pet that was lost during the 2017 fire found its owner? The ones with chips were easy to identify. The ones without ... well...some never found their owners.
 be an effective tool for everything from test anxiety and conflicts with peers to larger traumas such as those experienced by many students in the wake of the 2017 wildfires. “The sooner children can learn to help themselves address negative emotions, the healthier and easier their lives will be,” she says.
Putting a notice on your door when you evacuate let’s people know what pets live on your property. Dogs are the easiest to load into your vehicle. Cats the hardest because they tend to run away. Cats will go to small, dark places. If they wander your home and property you might consider setting up what looks like a good place to hide. So many cats were found in culverts!
According to Ryan
and other practitioners,
Tapping is effective
because, like the ancient
practices of acupuncture and acupressure, it is known to clear the blocks in our energy meridians in the body. This allows energy to flow freely, thus reducing or eliminating emotional and/or physical discomfort.
If you own large anmals your best bet it to become familiar with Julie Atwood’s Halter Project. The trainings and Home & Ranch Readiness Days are thorough and make people less afraid. Trainings are for animal owners as well as first-responders. The project does not limit itself to large animals, but small animals are covered many places, large animals have unique needs with few other resources, so check this one out., (707) 318- 7526,
Keep these with your family evacuation kit
 List of animals on property in the event you are not home
 ID for each pet: registration, photo, proof of your ownership
 Laminated emergency contact list (vet, work contact information)
 Vaccination records, emergency cash, map of area
 3-7 days feed, water & bowl for each animal
 Leash & collar for each cat & dog
 Carrier for each cat & dog, label each carrier with your ID
 Muzzle for each cat & dog
 Pillowcase & shoelace for each cat or reptile (easier to catch)
 Large DRY cotton bandana for eyes
 Cover for bird cages
 Litter & disposable pan for cats
 Blankets, bedding for pets, toys & comfort items (items the smell like home)  Stakes, tie outs
 Newspaper, paper towels
 Tools: small pet First Aid Kit, scissors, duct tape, pocket knife, flashlight
& batteries, leather gloves
Large Animals
Ryan has conducted Tapping workshops in a wide range of group settings, including schools, community centers, health clubs, medical institutions, and correctional facilities. She developed a workshop model designed specifically for schools that trains students, parents, teachers, and administrators in Tapping, all in a relatively short period of time.
 “In my experience, when students can be supported with this tool by the adults in their lives, the entire School Community becomes more compassionate and empathetic.” Ryan says.
Keep these in a bucket in the barn
Tapping has been shown to: increase student productivity, decrease anxiety, increase focus, increase collaboration and decrease bullying.
 List of animals on property in the event you are not home
 ID for your animals: livestock crayon, fluorescent spray paint or duct
After a recent workshop for adults at Presentation School in Sonoma, Head of School Scott Parker said “Beryl is a great facilitator and engaged everyone with the same encouraging respect - from the super open to the skeptical. She made Tapping very understandable and left many of us wanting to know even more about what this tool can do for our all of us, especially our young people. From physical pain to emotional and psychological trauma, there is something here for everyone.”
tape (use your name or phone number)
 Laminated emergency contact list (vet, farrier, work contact information)
 Vaccination records, emergency cash, map of area
 3 days feed & water for each animal, cotton or leather halter & lead rope
 Fly mask, large DRY cotton bandana for eyes
 Blankets
 Tools: large animal First Aid Kit, large pair of scissors to trim mane & tail,
A 3rd grade teacher in Sonoma said: “Beryl’s interaction with our staff was enthusiastic, open, and inspiring. She is passionate about her work and how it can truly help people. She welcomed all our questions and helped with ways in which we can use Tapping techniques in our classrooms.”
wire cutter, mall roll lightweight wire, duct tape, zip ties, hoof pick, hoof knife, pocket knife, flashlight & batteries, leather gloves
“My students really enjoyed using tapping before and during our standardized testing. I could see the positive effects it had on their temperament and their attitude. I will definitely incorporate more of this into my weekly routine.”
If you have not already set up neighborhood groups to prepare for’s never too late. If we escape this fire season we never
know when an earthquake or the next flood will hit. With Climate Change, emergencies are more prevalent so being prepared and READY can make the difference between surviving and thriving.
INFO: Beryl Ryan RN, Tap Within,, 707.280.8072 -10/19
The last several months of the Gazette have each featured emergency survival lists and suggestions. Logo n to our website www.SonomaCountygazette. com and search for FIRE - or EMERGENCY to find articles if you have not kept back issues and cut them out our lists and suggestions.

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