Page 44 - Sonoma County Gazette Oct. 2019
P. 44

 Wheel of Light
Rio Olesky • (707) 887-1820
alienation without any clear purpose or direction. If we are centered, however, we can use these transits to make qualitative improvements in our relationship, finances and relationship to the universe in general.
                                                  The biggest challenge to the Uranian opposition is: are we inspired by a drive for authentic expression of self that is in keeping with those values that give our lives the greatest meaning and significance? If so, we need to start this process by noting those places in our life in which we have traded away growth through transformational change for the purpose of maintaining our sense of emotional and material security. Without looking at this consciously, there are liable to be unexpected changes that undermine, rather than strengthen, our sense of well-being.
                                                                   Four planets will transit into Scorpio this month, including the Full Moon on the 27th. Scorpio is the sign of transformation. This is the time of year when we should
be engaged in some type of introspective review of our lives. Anything that reveals itself to be old, outdated, boring or stagnant needs to be released. Anything that still has meaning should be retained. This leaves room to create new things in your life. These things could be internal, such as how we process and deal with deep, emotional situations. It could also be external, such as how we deal with intimate social situations or how we deal with money.
Collectively this could be a time of unexpected changes in the financial order and security of the world. Unexpected events could roil the financial markets of the world and undermine trust both domestically and internationally. If the world leaders take advantage of these transits, however, they could find innovative ways out of problems that have existed for some time. Similarly our social interaction could shift in ways that may feel radical but in fact can bring a deepening of a relationship bond as we feel more seen and accepted as the authentic person we are.
Scorpio is the most intense and quite likely the most complex of the 12 signs.
When off-center, it can obsessively hang on and not release that which has served its purpose. This can lead to explosive outbursts, physical illness and periodic crises in our lives. In order to get centered at this time, we should review old relationships that ended badly, financial decisions that were not well though out, and old emotions that need to be purged from our psyche. We may have a hard time letting go, but it can lead to conscious reprogramming of behaviors that are not leading to happiness or meaning in our lives. This is a time to do a lot of deep inner healing.
Although this is a month that offers possibilities for major changes and transformations, there is one factor that could quantify the nature of those shifts.
Both Scorpio and Taurus are “fixed” signs. This means that they both prefer stability to change. As a water sign, Scorpio is inherently security oriented. As an earth sign, Taurus is oriented to safety and comfort on the material plane. Fixed signs tend to be habit oriented. The habits themselves are grounded in values. If we don’t have the meaning in our lives that we seek, it could mean that we have to update our values. Those are the foundation of a meaningful life. Once they are changed, we can alter our routines with the with the expectation that our lives will overall improve. This month is a wonderful opportunity to clarify, transform and update.
One specific aspect that can particularly present with challenges at this time is Uranus in Taurus opposing all four of the planets in Scorpio. Uranus represents radical change. If we are centered the changes are often inspired and can lead to creative, innovative changes that are revolutionary and lead to personal liberation. Being off-center, without internal inspiration Uranian change can lead to feelings of
Rio Olesky has been a professional astrologer since 1976. He is the author of A Manual for the Modern Mystic, Astrology and Consciousness and The Astroreader. He offers both private readings as well as classes for both beginning and intermediate students. Call Rio at 707-887- 1820. Check out his website:
  Aries: The full Moon in Aries on the 13th could impel you to be more emotionally expressive. If you are too forceful in that you could encounter resistance from others who may feel threatened
Cancer: The New Moon in Aquarius on the 15th is a good time to make sure that you are presenting yourself authentically in your social activities. This could lead you to
Libra: The energetic changes that will occur when the planets move from Libra to Scorpio can be challenging to you. Libra likes things
Capricorn: Lots of social energy
   by your honesty or intensity. Failing to share authentically,, however, could cause you to feel blocked, alienated or betrayed. A way for you to transformation this month is by externalizing what you may normally keep inside.
letting others know what changes you need in your relationship to them that will enhance your satisfaction and fulfillment in the situation. Being less open and more self-protective could cause you to come across as aloof and uncaring.
to be harmonious. As such you may often overlook or simply not address unpleasant issues. You value balance and equality. Scorpio prefers truth even it means disturbing the harmony. Your challenge as the month proceeds is to let go of the need to be nice and to be liked in order to create relationships based on emotional truth and honesty.
and colleagues. Growth can come from bringing your
Taurus: This could
be a month of slow, gradual progress in
areas involving work or physical healing. This could also be a time ofromantic relationships feeling stable, yet exciting
Leo: Your natural tendencies to be open, honest and playful could be abundantly revealed in early month. Later month might bring more of a desire to spend more time alone or to relate to others in
friends up to date about who you are. Not everyone may understand recent changes you’ve gone through, but there will be those who do and in either case, the connections are updated in a mostly pleasant way..
available to you this month. Most of it could be oriented toward friends
  Scorpio: As one
a good time to seek perspective on your professional goals. Start by checking
Aquarius: This is
  as they change in ways that strengthen
the friendship between you as feelings of devotion are expressed. Lots of creative inspiration in both social and artistic areas.
ways that are more supportive of them and their interests rather than focusing and prioritizing your own.
of the more private signs, you may struggle with the early month partying and playfulness, especially in public situations. Late
in with yourself. In so doing you could realize that you
Gemini:This is a good to focus on finances, particularly those that involve other people. This could be a primary partner or business partner. It could involve one person or several.
Virgo: Relative to other signs, you may experience the energy this month differently. While they may strive for illumination of self in early month and self- effacement later on, you may tend to be more
month, however provides both the energy and impetus to be functionally productive within a defining social context such as friends or colleagues.
are feeling somewhat cramped or frustrated at work. Strive to implement inspired creative solutions. There
may be challenging feedback from others. Growth can come from getting clear about what you are willing to compromise and what you’re not..
Pisces: This is a
time to learn, grow and expand your consciousness. Being in school, taking classes, self-study or taking
  In any case, this is a good time for you and your partners to clarify their needs and intentions to each other. Use this as a basis to create new strategies which can lead to success and security for all concerned.
internal early on and more out front later on. The challenge for you this month is to remember that a lot of energy is in Leo,
a playful sign. If all you do is prioritize service to others and humility later on you are missing out on an important element of life, especially this month.
an art project or sharing yourself with new people in different types of
an inspiring journey -10/19
to you this month. This could also be a good time to share what you know either in a classroom format or by writing.
social setting sare all ways of taking advantage of the energy available to you this month. Growth can come from feeling and expressing joy in your myriad activities.
would be ways to take advantage of the energies available
 This is a good time for an adventure. Traveling to a new place, starting

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