Page 45 - Sonoma County Gazette March 2018.indd
P. 45

   This week has found whales much on the minds of locals.
Not only do we have the juveniles swimming south to mate in the southern climes, but we have seen multiple whales breaching and swimming close to shore. Larry Tillier who is Mr. Whale (he is up at the Head almost every day) counted more than 120 whales this week. In just one day we saw 13—breaching and performing for us. This is a lovely addition to Bodega Bay. We have observers from all areas, coming to “see the whales”. The Press Democrat ran an article last week and this brought many bay area observers to the Head. Larry knows,  rst hand, about the habits and likelihood of seeing south-going whales now, and closer to Easter mother whales returning with their little ones. He does not call it a “northern migration.” Just the way whales travel.
  It is impressive to see how nature has provided protection for the young. The mothers will swim with the young ones between them and the shore and stay in quite shallow water to avoid the orcas. Last year we lost a young calf when a new mother swam into the deeper water near Monterrey and lost her baby
to the swift-swimming orcas, which reside mostly in deeper waters. It makes you wish you could put a  ag up for “Mama whales” and warn them to stay close to shore. For once the threat to their young is a natural predator and not the omni-present  shing tackle and crab pots that sometimes tangle up with the swimming mothers.
And then we went to church and talked about whales. We go to Fisherman’s Chapel (interdenominational local church) and celebrated the beginning of Lent We talked of the Biblical reference to how God acts. Jonah was determined to go to Ninevah; God did it his way and sent a whale to ingest Jonah and spit him out in Ninevah to do more of God’s work (imagine how impressive it would be to see a man emerge from a whale. Most people would start following the rules set out by a Greater Power and think it might be a good idea to follow the rules the emerging whale passenger was putting together.)
 Fisherman’s Chapel has close ties to the sea. We helped support the  shermen who lacked food when crabs were not to be had. We try to be helpful when we can, and several of our members have chosen to have their ashes scattered at sea rather than be buried. We avail ourselves of Kevin and Tammy’s hospitality and have church in his hotel, Bodega Coast Inn, when the cioppino is held and funds are earned to support all programs at the local Grange. Thanks to Kevin and Tammy for their hospitality.
This will be a busy month. We have  nished the crab feed (successfully even though we ran close to supply at the end of the day) We now look forward to Cabaret, which is a lot of fun and raises some money for local charities. The sign is up in front of the Grange Hall. Ticket often sell out. It is really fun to see normally uptight professionals (vets, doctors,  re ghters, sheri s) let down their hair and just entertain.
COMING UP: And then, of course, we plan for the BIG event—Fish Fest.
This year it will be April 14 and 15 and the whole community gets to work
to provide a truly wonderful event (boats, helicopter, oysters, fried  sh, great assortment of handicrafts). Many local groups depend upon the revenue from this annual event to keep their programs economically feasible. Bring your dog, your appetite and come on down to Westside Park for a truly varied program. There is always a good band, and you can meet all your neighbors that you seldom see.
Noisy Duck Hunters: The Bay has been home to several kinds of migrating birds. We welcome them, but  nd it distasteful when we are awakened at 3 a.m. by shotguns being  red at the lovely ducks. We know it is lawful (we checked with the Deputy Sheri ) if the bullets don’t come too close to habitations, but that doesn’t make them welcome visitors. We like our ducks (and our sleep) and duckhunters negatively a ect both.
Hitchcock Festival—March 17. It is always a delight to share a movie  lmed in your town, with your neighbors (and a glass of wine and time to chat.
POTHOLE Contest: Our lovely Supervisor, Lynda Hopkins, invites a contest to  nd the worst potholes. Personally I think Whaleship Road (exit from Bay Flat) will win, but the road to the Head is a very close second. Our cars would appreciate some help.
One last tidbit: if you are having computer trouble, and an uninvited phone call comes from someone identifying himself as from Microsoft, hang up. This is apparently the new scam.
I fell for it, and was desperate to get my computer functioning again (deadlines, etc.) The one who answered said he was a technician and would  x my computer. He required a prepayment and desperation overrules caution. After
I sent my credit card, the computer regained the program—but causation is suspect. Microsoft states that they would never make such a phone call. Apple called and said someone was trying to use my password. These must be the newest scams.
  I was familiar with the little phone call “Hi Grandma...I need bail money” but this one was new to me. Now other programs have called saying someone is trying to use my password. (If they can remember it, they are doing better than I). Technology breeds its own brand of crooks. It’s hard to stay up to date. Thank God for people like Jade Paterson who can  x almost anything and is totally reliable. So glad to have a few technicians like her around.
Spring will come soon. The trees are blooming inland. The wild owers are peeking out; the deer are getting fat. Keep your  ngers crossed that the Olympics will help countries co-ooperate. Enjoy every day, and take a hike and  nd out about seaweed. The seals are barking; the geese are  ying—it’s a lovely place we live. The wild owers will soon be out at the Head. The Greeks had a good idea in starting the Olympics. We just hope the countries who can compete peacefully can carry that over to international agreements.
Hope springs eternal. Pray for Peace
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