Page 16 - Small Shops of Sonoma County 2016
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Journey North through Local History for Holiday Gifts
By Sondra Hunter We are in the
holiday season again, and it’s time to find something special for your loved ones. Come into the Fort Ross Bookshop
any weekend. Just
getting here is a
gift for yourself
and anyone who
joins you on this
adventure. Make
a day of it! Pack a
picnic, bundle up,
tour the Fort, & on
your way out swing
through our shop to see all our wonderful books, and much much more.
We have a wonderful selection of greeting cards with local plants, animals, and scenery. Stuffed animals wth an emphasis on local critters. Basket Kits for the crafty people who want to take learn how locals made vessels for everything from nuts to water. And even a wide variety of holiday ornaments reflecting historic traitions. We even have locally-crafted warm clothing and jewelry created by north coast artists.
Nature lovers learn from our ur collection of education tites: The Wild Mushroom Cookbook, Secrets of the Oak Woodlands: Plants & Animals Among California’s Oaks, Sea Creatures & Birds or for tide-poolers, Fylling’s Illustrated Guide to Pacific Coast Tide Pools (a gem of a book!).
Get inspired by one of our many Hiking, Walking, or Biking Guides. Looking for a 2017 tide book? Northern California 2017 Tidelog by Pacific Publishers.
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Fort Ross State Historic Park, 19005 Coast Highway One, north of Jenner OPEN: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays & Mondays 10am-430pm
707.847.3437 - -
Tell us you read this in the Gazette! For every purchase get a Fort Ross poster!
Interested in our local authors? Read these books:
Red Canoe - Camping and Hiking Poems, A Memoir by Gretchen Butler Wild Plum Cafe - A Memoir, Tales of Homesteading in Northern California’s
Backcountry by Gretchen Butler So Far From Home: Russians in Early
California by Glenn J. Farris
Mendonoma Sightings Throughout The Year - The fascinating world of nature on the Mendocino/Sonoma coast by Jeanne A. Jackson
California Indians and Their Environment, An Introduction by Kent G. Lightfoot and Otis Parrish
Wildflowers of Northern California’s Wine Country & North Coast Ranges by Reny Parker
I Wish I Had a Pet - Big or small, scruffy or smooth, frisky or quiet- so many pets to choose from! Which pet is just right for you? By Maggie Rudy
The House That Mouse Built - In this lyrical little love story, Musetta steals Mouse’s cheese - and then his heart. Set in the exquisitely constructed mouse world, look for delicious details on every page. By Maggie Rudy
The Old Salt Point Township - Sonoma County, California 1841 - 1941 from the Russian Exodus to World War II... historyby Lynn Hay Rudy
Come play in our back yard for a change:

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