Page 44 - Sonoma County Gazette 11-17
P. 44

This was the week that everyone shared one reality – FIRE. For several days our area has been waiting and watching the spreading wild res. We watch the weather channel and breathe a sigh of relief that we don’t share the low humidities of Napa Valley, or the tinder growth of Cow
Mountain or Covelo.
We share the sadness of those who have lost their homes in Santa Rosa or in
People were allowed to bring their dogs. There weren’t many, but those who were there provided great comfort to their owners. The community even donated dog food... now THAT is charity.
any of the other locations where homeowners have been evacuated or watched their precious homes go up in  ames. From Covelo in the North, to the City of Sonoma; to Santa Rosa into the Napa Valley. This is a disaster.
There were multiple acts of kindness. Jim Moore, the President of the local Grange, was omnipresent at the Grange Hall. He knew where all the chairs were; he know how the kitchen worked. Anything he didn’t know, he knew who to ask. The community is thankful that the Grange is there. The kitchen is excellent; the bathrooms are handicapped-developed. The parking is good (even with the huge Red Cross trailer in front), and they forewent paying occupants (the Fisherman’s Chapel voluntarily agreed to meet elsewhere) to allow the community to step up and meet a well-de ned need.
This morning I awakened to a beautiful red sky. I delighted in the “sunrise” until I realized it was  re. This has been the focus of cities from Ukiah to the East Bay Hills (the Diablo Range). Our friends have lost their homes in Santa Rosa, Potter Valley, Kenmore, Oakmont. Our roads were clogged with those  eeing the raging  ames; our community stepped up to meet the need.
In Bodega Bay, the Grange opened its doors to all; the Bodega Church opened its doors to those who preferred to go there. The  rst day the Grange was open they served 300 people. The CERT trailer was in place; Waves of Compassion stepped in with food. Two days ago, 180 people spent the night at Doran Beach.
Fisherman’s Chapel proved that a church is more than just a building. Thanks to the hospitality of Rudy and Kathy Durant we simply moved the location. We didn’t have a grand piano, but the electric piano served  ne.
We had almost as many attending as we do on a normal Sunday. One of our members went to Doran beach at 6 a.m. to see if everything was safe and acceptable. Two of the evacuees followed him to the Sunday service and recorded the entire service in order to be able to share it with those who could not physically be present. It is not clear whether or not the recording will be available for sale, but it is a good possibility.
For years those of us who had no  rst hand contact with Red Cross felt like it was an administrative-heavy organization. NO MORE. The Red Cross stepped in and helped organize the program at the Grange. CERT and Patti Gionnochio got the trailer in place which provided cots, sleeping bags, food and organization. Waves of Compassion helped the locals get organized and provided food.
Life goes on, in our village. We had yoga, as we do four days a week, and even though the box of Kleenex got a heavy hit from those of us who  nd the smoke an issue, we persisted in our program. This day was a special one.
It was Vickie (our teacher’s birthday) and the school in Petaluma where her grandson (who lives with her) attends was closed. She solved the parents’ problem; she brought  ve young ones to yoga. They jumped right into the program, and although there were a few more giggles than usual (and the usual visit from the four experienced dogs), the practice proceeded as always. This is the kind of resiliency that makes Bodega Bay such a special place.
Red Cross helped supply games and books for the young (mostly Spanish speaking) children. The local restaurants plied the site with excellent food
and local merchants provided food and drinks. The community provided so many sweatshirts and jackets that by Saturday they had to say no to any more donations. The CERT group was certainly instrumental in organizing the huge in ux of those  eeing the  re. Everybody helped.
A great proportion of those who found themselves homeless were Hispanic. Our community found those who spoke Spanish, and donated books and games for Spanish- speaking children. The aura in the Grange Hall was one
of joy, even though most of the children there were from families who had lost their homes. It warms your heart to see someone who probably doesn’t speak Spanish and who comes from an a uent part of the city, sitting on the  oor teaching a Spanish-speaking child how to make lemonade. Children are resilient.
One of the side e ects of the evacuations is that more houses are occupied in Bodega Bay than usual. On our street, Santa Rosa residents “visited old friends,” moved into their almost-always empty houses, and brought friends with them. The street was busy and occupants brought dogs and kids like it was in the old days. As they say, it’s an ill-wind that brings no good.
The children knew their homes were not somewhere they could go,
The worst of the  re is over. We hope desperately for some rain this weekend. The damage will take decades to repair. Pick a reliable charity and vow to share with those who have lost so much. We need to join together to thank the  re ghters who braved the huge  re threat (some of them even lost their own homes.) The worst is probably over; but we can’t drop our vigilance. The community has several untended lots where the weeds have grown and dried. We all need to be aware of the constant threat of  re (even when you live in the sand dunes.) Remind the few remaining cigarette smokers that they need to  nd a place to put cigarette butts..and it is NOT in a  eld or next to a chip-  lled  ower bed.
The volunteers arranged the clothing so that the warm clothes were available before the children went to the beach to sleep. The pile of sleeping bags was impressive, and towels were plentiful, out numbered only by the sweatshirts. The availability of showers in the Honey Pot trailer was much appreciated.
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Each Sunday it falls to me to sweep the porch leading into the Grange. There are so many cigarette butts that I have threatened to gather them all up and mail them to Phillip Morris or Marlborough.
We have not learned how the major  re started. There are many guesses (downed lines; broken gas lines, untended barbecues.) but there is no doubt about the results. We know that eternal vigilance is the price we pay to avoid  re damage. Don’t be afraid to speak out if you see dangerous conduct. We are all in this together. Be diligent (a form of kindness). As always, in whatever
circumstance: Be Kind.
PHOTOS by John Hershey
Firewood donated by Glenn Kantock of All Seasons Firewod

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