Page 6 - Sonoma County Gazette Juy 2019
P. 6

LETTERS cont’d from. page 5
the workplace as recommended by the commission headed by former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan. We are a nation of immigrants. But we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it.”
2005 - Barack Obama: “We simply cannot allow people to pour into
the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.”
Coast Citizens
Protesting Detachment!
from Palm Drive Health
Care District
The detachment leaders unceremoniously told the District they were no longer interested in these services – speaking for all of Bodega Bay residents. The population of West County is getting older and will need more, not less, medical care options in the future. Detaching also denies those who are least able to pay from future services in Bodega Bay. If we detach, any new services that may be offered by the PDHCD will not be available to Bodega Bay. The PDHCD still wants to provide services to Bodega Bay but it will not be able to if the detachment is approved because PDHCD cannot spend public funds on those areas that are not within the District.
      There has been an ongoing effort
to detach Bodega Bay from the Palm Drive Health Care District (PDHCD). This effort has resulted in much misinformation, confusion and many questions here in Bodega Bay The Palm Drive Health Care District (PDHCD). cannot fund future services such as home care, mental health treatment and mobile telemedicine
for our Bodega Bay community if we detach from the district.
If you wish to share your sentiments opposing the detachment from the health care district with the county agency that determines the size of the health care district, you need to submit a “Written Protest Form” and submit it to the Committee to Stop Detachment by July 1st. Time is short! If you are a registered voter or a land owner in Bodega Bay, please contact for a protest form.
Look to the future and support the effort to stop detachment!!
Committee to Stop Detachment
Perry Marker PO Box 787 Bodega Bay CA
  There is more to be gained by NOT detaching from the Palm Drive Health Care District than there is by detaching. Other localities may also be pressured to detach from PDHCD so there are facts we all in West County need to know.
We have more people in prison than any other country in the world. In order to keep corporate prisons with a full “labor force”, police in certain areas have been known to go looking for people
to arrest. These corporate prisons have deals which reward departments for arrests. They do this because it is cheaper to pay prisoners $1 an hour than pay minimum wage, or a prevailing wage,
or a living wage to a non-prisoner, particularly if they are unionized. Additionally, they don’t need to provide health insurance or worry about safety conditions, because the prisons do that. This is wrong.
Corporate Prisons
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f Bodega Bay detaches from the PDHCD, people in the district will lose a vote in the health care district. They will have no vote in any services that could be offered in the future and no access to the services.
  6 - - 7/19
If we detach, we will still have to pay about $106 of the $155 you pay now in District taxes until any debt
is retired. That leaves $49.00/year per household or $4.00/month that you are saving by detaching (about a cup of coffee at your favorite coffee house).
People blame the shrinking job market on trade deals and automation, and yes, those are definitely contributing factors, but people don’t usually think about how many decent jobs have gone to corporate prisons at exploitative wages. Corporate prisons are wrong, on so many levels. They need to be outlawed as part of a comprehensive criminal justice reform that reforms prisons, police departments, the cash bail system, the court system and the war on drugs needs to be looked at as a health issue rather than a criminal issue.
To detach means that we will continue to be taxed but without any representation or vote in the District.
If Bodega Bay detaches, people will lose access to any future services that the health care district may offer to Bodega Bay. For example, the PDHCD had planned on opening a health screening clinic and drug abuse services when the detachment effort started.
Jason Kishineff
American Canyon
Democratic Congressional candidate

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