Page 5 - Sonoma County Gazette August 2019
P. 5

LETTERS cont’d from page 4 Sonoma.County.Gazette/
   sequestration, increased fire fighting costs, lost business income, damage to tourisms, etc.
People are telling me about large swaths of trees being cut on PG&E Power Line easements (?) through forests. They are concerned about how many trees are being removed and what is happening with the wood from these trees, especially
the redwoods. In turn, I am asking PG&E for information. PG&E wants addresses/locations, photos, whatever you have in order to answer the questions readers are sending me. Specifics. Can you help with this? I want answers as well.
PG&E would rather shift the
costs to their ratepayers and the general public rather than have their shareholders foot the bill.
It is time for Sonoma County to require undergrounding in all fire prone areas!
Rick Coates
Executive Director
Forest Unlimited
707-632-6070 or
 We have a LENGTHY discussion on this subject on the Gazette Facebook page (https://www. Gazette/).
This is on the PG&E website so helps a bit - but we need specifics to get questions answered - THANK YOU:
 At this time I am also waiting for information from PG&E to fill voids in my knowledge on this topic.
At a recent Lower River MAC meeting with Public Works, the concept of underground powerlines was brougt up. It’s part of the county discussion but still far from even planning and permitting.
Michael Gonsalves - I’m just not happy with them leaving very large immovable pieces of trees behind. They topped a redwood tree in
County Public Works would take on this topic since the power lines would be established under roads in the same way that water, sewer and gas lines are installed under roads.
my yard that was killed by overly aggressive limb cutting, I have
some pieces over six feet long along with the rounds, I will have to hire someone to cut them into pieces small enough to move. I have a stand of
Water has to be on the opposite side of sewer to reduce potential contamination in case of cracks (earthquakes can cause cracks, etc.
six redwood trees and they want to remove them’s ruining our property. My feeling is these trees were here long before the wires, buy hundreds of years.
Gas lines are under roads - do we put electric on the opposite side of the street from gas? Logical!
Darcie McNally - Love all these opinions and facts! If they do notify you, do you have the final say about the trimming? Let them or not let them cut? Any say about how much they whack?
John Perpinan - Can’t blame them for not cutting them then blame them for cutting them
Robert Zelenka - So, they take off limbs and branches from my trees because of fire danger. But leave them on the ground. Isn’t that just another fire danger, leaving dried dead limbs and branches on my property? Why should I have to clean up the mess they created?
Nothingis simple, but other countries have established underground power, so can can we.
 READ this discussion on the
People are telling me about large swaths of trees being cut on PG&E Power Line easements (?) through forests. They are concerned about how many trees are being removed and what is happening with the wood from these trees, especially the redwoods.
Gazette Facebook page:
 In turn, I am asking PG&E
for information. PG&E wants addresses/locations, photos, whatever you have in order to answer the questions readers are sending me. Specifics. Can you help with this? I want answers as well.
Lori Wedel Peters - Just came back from Oregon and the trees below power lines were clear cut. From what I saw the roads were great,
This is on the PG&E website so helps a bit - but we need specifics to get questions answered:
all ditches were clean and mowed. We have gone soo long without maintenance under and near power lines that we’re unaware of what it should look like. Safety first. PGE
is going to completely remove 3 of my bay trees - hallelujah! Thank you John Perpignan my feelings exactly.
8/19 - - 5

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