Page 38 - Sonoma County Gazette November 2018
P. 38

   November comes creeping in on damp sneakers. As I write this, there has been a touch of rain. By the time you read this, if we’re lucky there’s been a bit more, and the hills of the dairy belt will have begun sprouting their lush winter coat of green. I’m saying here and now that our change of season colors can stand up to anything in lovely New England, history or no.
Fall is definitely upon us since last I wrote. We thankfully received a couple of inches of rain what already seems like quite a long time ago. My deck has been blown of leaves many times, and I need to get up on the roof to clean out the gutters. The days are a lot shorter, and we continue to lose a few minutes of daylight every day.
The other blessing that cold November rain brings us, besides an epic Guns ‘n Roses video, is blessed release from fire season. I don’t need to harp on that point, I’m sure. Pretty much all of us have lain awake, looking at the woods surrounding us, and had a “there but for the Grace of God” moment.
We also have had some spectacularly gorgeous weather out here in
West County. The little bit of rain brought out a whole lot of green in our landscapes. My tomatoes have kept producing, the figs are going off right now, and the persimmons are just getting started.
We have been galvanized, and people are taking action. It’s
a little too early to get into detail here: those organizations with legal and financial skin in the game are carefully examining their resources, potential liabilities, and insurance concerns contingent to their ownership of land in and around Camp Meeker. I can say that vigorous discussion is taking place between one and all of these parties. While it is clear that we all share the same goal—making Camp Meeker safe in the event of a fire—it’s also clear that there are a lot of moving parts to this puzzle.
In summary I really love this time of year while also missing the longer days and running around like crazy between my work and home projects with the knowledge that Winter is coming.
How can we help? That’s the question on the minds of Camp Meeker denizens. The first thing you can do is to educate yourself. In that line,
the Camp Meeker Park and Rec Board (one of the parties of this vigorous discussion) are screening a documentary at Anderson Hall very, very soon. The film is called “Wilder Than Wild”, and it will be screened at Anderson Hall on November 3rd and 17th from 4-6 pm. The film lasts a little over an hour, and after the movie there will be an open discussion
On the topic of change and clocks, Election Day is coming up on Tuesday, November 6th. Please everyone get out and vote. There are many important issues and people to vote on, affecting our lives locally, within the state and nationally.
Measure 7 actually deals with daylight savings time periods. It’s a
pretty confusing situation all around, one I don’t have an easy answer to for my own vote or to try and influence yours. The voters in California passed the resolution that gave us the current scenario of spring forward and fall back. As such we (the voters) are required to approve this measure which would give up our authority and allow the state legislature the power (by two thirds majority) to approve any future changes. This could mean doing away with daylight savings altogether (which Arizona and Hawaii have) or going on permanent daylight savings (which would require federal approval). Scratching your head already right? This doesn’t even wade into to the reasons given for and against daylight savings, a whole other can of worms.
of the issues raised. You will see posters for the movie on the bulletin board by the Post Office and no doubt other places. Check out the website for more information, and make time in your schedule for this important event!
On a happier note, I was contacted by Lyndi Brown, a former Camp Meeker resident now living in Penngrove, and a core member of the Camp Meeker Players. In late September, that esteemed group held a reunion
at the Union Hotel’s Bocce Ballroom. The reunion was spearheaded by longtime Camp Meeker resident (and my former next-door neighbor) Mark Hedley. Present at the reunion (among others!) were Allis Teagarden (now of Sebastopol), Trish and Bill Spence (now also of Penngrove), and Michael Jennings of San Francisco.
The Camp Meeker Players are a fond memory of anyone who lived in Camp Meeker in the 70’s to early 80’s. They would organize and put on plays in a structure called The Green Barn, and over time just about everyone in Camp Meeker played some part in the spectacle: on stage, back stage, in the orchestra, or just cheering from the audience. This was no Mickey Rooney “let’s put on a show” amateur hour: ambitious productions like Three Penny Opera, The Wizard of Oz, The Chalk Circle, and Deadwood Dick enjoyed successful runs down there by Dutch Bill Creek.
Back to the reunion: it was a grand affair, punctuated by revelry and music. Veterans of the orchestra pit in attendance included Carol Burleson (now in Seattle), Mitch Greenhill (LA), Dave Holt (Concord), and Mike Nehm (Sebastopol) performing favorite songs from the old days.
Sure would be great if Camp Meeker could see an artistic renaissance like that, huh? The original Camp Meeker Players were forced to abandon the Green Barn when it was deemed unsafe, and that building no longer exists.
But hey! If we build it they will come, right?
I know I dissed them upthread, but Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland had the right idea in Babes in Arms. Anyone know a seamstress to make the curtain? Come on, let’s do it!
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Measure M The measure I feel most strongly about is Measure M, the parks for all measure here in Sonoma County. When this issue came up a couple years ago, I voted yes even though I wasn’t quite comfortable with the fact that the funding mechanism was a half cent sales tax imposed only on the unincorporated areas of the county. Well, they went back to the drawing board after that narrow defeat and crafted a measure that I can support 100%.
Speaking of shorter days, by the time you are reading this it’s probably time for the end of daylight savings time on November 4th, set your clocks back
by one hour. I think overall I like this change even though it’s hard late in the day. I am enough of a morning person that sunrise coming an hour earlier is a welcome change in my day.
Measure M will be funded by an eighth of a cent sales tax increase county- wide. I feel this is a much more equitable sharing of the costs, while lowering those costs for any individual purchase. Since the net has been broadcast much wider Measure M will actually bring in more money (than the previous measure) which will go to parks throughout the county.
I feel that our park system is truly one of the gems of Sonoma County, something that can be shared and enjoyed one and all. A park can be enjoyed regardless of your economic status. Time in nature is beneficial whether you live here or are just passing through. Moving your body and getting out of the house is great regardless of you being a youngster wanting to hike for miles or an oldster enjoying a mellow stroll or sitting on a park bench watching the
birds fly and kids play. Please vote YES on Measure M!
Back to Occidental specific things, I would like to wish a happy belated birthday to our local legendary bluesman Nick Gravenites! He turned 80 back in October and I hear his birthday bash fundraiser was a big success, congratulations. I will never forget Nick and band playing my sister’s wedding at our parent’s house. They sounded great and it felt so cool to have this awesome band with a world renowned musician playing right on our front lawn. This also gives me an opportunity to extend a belated happy 25th anniversary to Fawn and James Nekton, here’s to another 25!
It sure is nice to see the new sidewalk across from the Post Office. This was a long overdue addition to the safety and functionality of town. On the way to Monte Rio I see that they are finally fixing the slide on Bohemian Highway. This will return the highway to it’s proper single stop sign from start to finish. Hopefully the portion headed to Freestone will get repaved soon and then we can have smooth sailing along the entire highway.

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