Page 39 - Sonoma County Gazette January 2017
P. 39

Steps by Herman Hesse
As every blossom faces, and all youth sinks into old age,
So every life’s design, each flower of wisdom, every good Attains its prime and cannot last forever.
At life’s each call the heart must be prepared To take its leave and to commence afresh, Courageously and with no hint of grief, Submit itself to other newer ties.
A magic dwells in each beginning, and protecting us It tells us how to live.
Gratitude: One antidote to the anxiety and fear for the new year is to be grateful for all that is good in our lives. On Thanksgiving morning, I awoke
to sunlight streaming through my bedroom window and to the sounds of drumming and chanting. The great “Mother Drum” had once again returned to YA-KA-AMA, which means “Our Land” in the Pomo language (125 acres owned jointly by County tribal groups at the edge of Forestville). The annual sunrise ceremony/dance of thanksgiving by our local native peoples was resounding through the hills, nourishing the land, greeting the bright sun, and thanking our beautiful earth. And for a time, I felt blessed... and again able to bless.
What You Can Do: On 1/21, the day after the presidential inauguration, there will be millions of women and men across the country rallying in support of women’s/human rights. Support the Women’s March in Washington D.C. by rallying at noon on Saturday, January 21st, at the Santa Rosa courthouse.
GRATON cont’d from page 38
Nano-Sized Hope:
On 1/6 and 7, partner with Forests Unlimited to plant over 1400 redwood trees at St. Dorothy’s Rest in Camp Meeker. Volunteer either day – meals included – come as long or as little as you can. More info: sarah@stdorothysrest. org.
As Paula Hammond, MIT researcher points out, cancer is a supervillain with incredible superpowers of adaptation; it essentially spits out elements contrary to its own growth. It does this with a “survival” gene or two. There is a way to shut o  certain genes – the key is a set of molecules known as siRNA (short sequences of genetic code that guide a cell to block a certain gene). Each siRNA molecule can turn o  a speci c gene inside the cell. For many years since its discovery, scientists have been very excited about how we can apply these gene blockers in medicine.
Local Generosity:
The Forestville United Methodist Church’s Food Closet provides a nutritious and life-a rming twice-monthly food give-out to up to 72 Forestville families all year long. Many thanks to its faithful and indispensable volunteers, and to all those who have generously contributed to it. Its 2016 contributors are celebrated in a letter to the editor on the “Letters” page of this paper.
siRNA works well inside the cell, but disintegrates quickly if it gets exposed to the enzymes that reside in our bloodstream or our tissues. Paula and her compadres at MIT have found a way to “package” siRNA in a nano-layered particle that is protected through its journey through the body on its way to the  nal target inside the cancer cell. They also have super-weaponized it with the powerful chemo at the core of the particle, all in something a hundredth the diameter of a human hair. How did it work? The tumors decreased in size and some were eliminated – they were regressing.
Food for Thought is a non-pro t grassroots organization located in Forestville and dedicated to meeting the nutritional needs of over 800 men, women, and children living with or a ected by AIDS/HIV disease in Sonoma County. In November, it’s walk-in refrigeration unit, essential to the provision of fresh food, not only failed by fell through the foundation of the building. A cry for help went out to the community. Over 250 donations (including $1000 from the Forestville Planning Association) have put the organization well on its way to  nishing the project.
Find your drumbeat and create locally, hope globally.
Thank you to Crossing the Jordan Thrift Store (Santa Rosa) for tying warm neck scarves around the trees in our Downtown Park for anyone in need to take. Warm necks from warm hearts.
Sebastopol Rotary Community Grant Applications Open: The Club is taking applications for their Community Grants Program for West County. (Apps due by 2/ 28.) On-line applications and instructions at sebastopolrotary. com/SitePage/community-grants.
Please get your items to me before the 15th of the month prior to your event:
Little League:
The El Molino Little League is looking for sponsors from individuals and businesses. There are two main kinds of sponsors: Team and Sign. If you have questions or would like to be a volunteer for the League, contact Scotty Brown, Fundraising manager for the Little League, at And “save the date” for the league’s Opening Day Ceremony this season: Saturday, April 1st at 10am, at the Forestville Youth Park – and be sure to attend the pancake breakfast from 8-10am that day – share in the excitement!
Get Involved:
Several Sonoma County boards and commissions have openings for volunteer members. For example, there are current openings on the Advisory Council to the Agency on Aging, Agricultural and Open Space District Advisory Council, Alcohol and Drug Problems Advisory Council, Art Advisory Committee, and Commission on Human Rights. For more information go to:
Are you ready for an emergency? The Russian River Fire Protection District has a program called Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). The goal of the program is to be prepared to help your family, neighbors, and community if and when the need occurs. New classes are starting soon. Contact Marilyn Fox at
Forestville Chamber of Commerce asks if you have any upcoming events that you would like posted on the Community Board on the corner of Covey and 116? If so, email with your information.
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