Page 6 - Sonoma County Gazette January 2017
P. 6

LETTERS cont’d from page 4
Wood Smoke
Lawns into Gardens
with self importance. I live in an adult mobile home park and have really tried to get this point across -- but good luck with that! Wearing the DNR medallion at all times is one of the precautions I am sure you emphasize in your work with seniors.
I live in Rio Nido, and was wondering if there is any solution to the many wood stoves over here? Is the county involved in this issue at all? The air is thick with smoke day & night & it permeates my home. I use a small electric heater only, and it works pretty well & hasn’t increased my electric bill. I can’t believe there’s no alternative...
Thanks, Sheila
Enjoyed your Dec article, Garden Delights by Kellen Watson - stirred up some old memories.
Thanks again for your article in the Gazette.
We had found a gardening book by a New Yorker who had retired to Connecticut. ‘How to have a green thumb with out an aching back’ by RuthStout.LookherupinWikipedia, she wrote other gardening books too.
Pat Pomerleau.
Hi Patricia,
Thank you for writing. To clarify: there
Poor air quality caused primarily by wood burning stoves is an issue the Russian River Alliance has been working on improving for years. The air quality here is especially bad, and Rio Nido is one of the hardest hit places due to many wood burning stoves, people who don’t know how to burn cleanly, and the lack of air circulation in the canyons.
She suggested covering the garden with yard clippings to retain the water, keep the weeds down and to become a horizontal compost pile by putting kitchen scraps, except meats/ seafood, under the mulch. The garden soon had an abundance of worms, never had any odor and we didn’t have to mess with turning a compost pile or keeping a wee scraps bucket on the kitchen countertop. The garden flourished.
is no “form” per se, that allows you to add dementia provisions. One just uses the form they already have, no matter which one, and adds their sentiments/wishes about dementia care. I hope that clears things up.
Thanks again for reading the article. Good for you for adding dementia provisions to your form.
The county has made some progress in this regard, however much more can and should be done. Just because we live a few miles outside the Bay Area Air Quality Management District boundaries (such as outside of Santa Rosa, outside of Occidental), we in the Lower Russian River Area should not have to endure this situation or be treated like second class citizens.
Warm regards, Kira
In the early 60’s, in Daytona Beach, FL, we made a veg garden in the front yard. Neighbors thought it was tre gouche.
Santa lands safely on
Those same neighbors dropped by to compliment us on the garden when the tomatoes started to ripen. I thought of that as an act of subliminal begging for a taste.
Cotati Lions Club roof.
Hi Vesta,
My August Sonoma County Gazette
I have included Rob Bamford and Lynda Hopkins on this reply and hopefully they can respond addressing what steps the County is taking to improve the situation.
Harold G.
column for Cotati has had a positive effect, while playing a small part in a huge WIN for Cotati Lions Club.
Belden Barns Tasting Room
I was appaled (once again) when I read this article, at the complete lack of knowledge, foresight and insight of the Sonoma County Board of Sups. I have lived in Sonoma County since 1960 and have seen it change from a once lovely spot to to a “vineyards rule” mentality. I’ve experienced the same thing in my backyard that the residents of Sonoma Mountain Road are about to experience with the approval of Belden Barns Tasting Room and it isn’t pretty. My road looks just like Sonoma Mountain Road: predominantly 1 lane, narrow, twisty. Board of Sups didn’t care. Bottom line in this county appears to be that if you want to open a winery or tasting room you can do it any where. I wondering when it will be enough? It’s enough for me.
Sign me “Moving”, Cynthis Rogers
5th District Election
I am astonished by your reference to Lynda’s “clean campaign.” I’m wondering how you characterize last- minute full-page hit pieces in the PD containing outright lies. The election was obviously purchased by the corporate opposition, organized by the Koenigshofer PAC. Lynda would still be digging carrots if it weren’t for this group and everyone knows it. This is hardly a mandate. If you want
LETTERS cont’d on page 7
Long story SHORT: After 65 years the Cotati Lions Club roof was failing. Enter new member, Rocky Burks. Note that average membership over the years has been around eleven members. Rocky takes on the challenge of removing the old and manifesting a new roof. There are no funds to replace it.
I know the county has a rebate program for wood stove changeouts and the air district may personally visit offending neighbors if you provide their addresses.
I interviewed Rocky and the man who asked him to join the club, Mike O’ Neill. Mike served as club president from 2011 to 2014 and leader for ten years. Cotati Lions Club column gets published August 2016.
Even with a wood burning stove, if people are educated and forced to burn cleanly (dry seasoned wood with sufficient air intake especially upon start-up) there should be minimal visible smoke emissions. Unfortunately this is not always the case, and you will have some neighbors that refuse to change their ways despite the health effects on their neighbors.
Rocky talked to Lowe’s and every building company in the county. Then Burks’ wife takes the Gazette column to work and talks about the need for a new roof. Rocky was introduced to the head of Arntz Builders in Novato, CA. Dave Arntz discovers Rocky Burks have a mutual friend in nonprofits and fundraising.
You can report addresses (it will be treated anonymously) to Rob for follow- up. We are hoping with new leadership at the county level that expectations and enforcement will improve the current situation.
Four months later: Friday, December 2 Arntz Builders, from Novato, came to Cotati Lions Club to tear off the old roof. All materials have been donated. Monday another company will deliver and install a new roof.
Another related issue we have here is the ease of obtaining burn permits for residential open burning. This too is not allowed in the Bay Area, Santa Rosa, Sacramento, or other areas I am familiar with and needs to be addressed. It will take action on the part of our County Supervisors to effect change in this regard.
THANKS! Deborah Taylor-French
Again, thank you for your email and I hope the situation is improved.
Chuck Ramsey
President, Russian River Alliance
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