Page 23 - 2023 City of Hope HHI SOL Journal
P. 23
Marvin, because this is naturally who you are, you didn’t even have to work for this award, which is the best kind to receive. Caring for the needs and concerns of others is your strength and your gift. Your investments in family, community, and company are filtered through your commitment to your faith. Because of this foundation, your contributions will continue to radiate through generations to come. You have allowed yourself to be the hand and feet of God; therefore, you have changed the world for the better! What a legacy, and I am so proud to be your sister! I love you.
– Sylvia
Marvin, what an AMAZING accomplishment! We are so thankful to God for the blessings He has given to you. Thank you for your heart of service and your example of generosity. Congratulations Big Brother!!!
– Love, Renatha