Page 15 - NBPI 2021 Campaign Guide JUL8
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2009 - The Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center for Cancer Immunotherapeutics and Tumor Immunology houses world-renowned faculty and staff responsible for fundamentally expanding human understanding of how the body’s natural defenses can be harnessed to fight diseases such as cancer, HIV/AIDS and diabetes.
2011 - Rama Natarajan, Ph.D., a recognized leader in investigating the complications of diabetes, is the National Business Products Industry Endowed Professor in Diabetes Research at City of Hope.
2012 - The National Business Products Industry Chemical GMP Synthesis Facility is a state-of-the- art manufacturing resource for small - and large
- molecule therapies for clinical trials. It provides services for drug discovery, process research, and the development and early clinical manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients that meet the requirements of the Food and Drug Administration.
             Sustain HOPE Campaign Guide 2021 15

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