Page 9 - City of Hope NIIC 2022 SOL Journal
P. 9

  Special Thanks
City of Hope National Insurance Industry Fundraising Team
As you may know, since its inception, City of Hope has benefited from industry groups coming together and raising awareness and support to help us deliver exceptional research, treatment and cures to the world. We could not be the world’s leader without this support.
Established in 1978, the National Insurance Industry Council for City of Hope has led an annual industry fundraising campaign that now consists of a variety of activities that include company hosted golf outings and events, employee giving drives and personal gift clubs. To date, the insurance campaign has raised over $45 million, $12 million of that was over the last four years alone! More importantly, the entire insurance industry, partners and competitors alike representing every segment of the industry have truly come together for the common good of supporting lifesaving research for cancer and diabetes at City of Hope.
It is impossible to measure the global impact from City of Hope. To mention just a few achievements of note, City of Hope was one of the pioneers of BMT, considered the gold standard of care today for Leukemia and other forms of cancer. Many of the world’s most utilized anti-cancer drugs like Herceptin, Avastin, Ritixan and Erbitux were developed based on technologies developed at City of Hope. We have also led the fight against diabetes over the past 50 years, developing Humulin, a synthetic insulin used by over half the world’s diabetics. When you account for just these three significant achievements, of which there are countless others, City of Hope impacts the lives of well over 100 million patients each and every year! We have you to thank for this remarkable achievement. The discoveries made and lives saved would simply not be possible without your generous support. We are eternally grateful.
Once again, the annual fundraising initiative concludes with the Spirit of Life® Gala where the insurance industry will honor Joel Cavaness for his remarkable professional and humanitarian career. Joel, please accept our heartfelt thanks and congratulations to you and the entire team at Risk Placement Services for an excellent fundraising campaign. Your efforts along with those of the entire insurance industry were instrumental in our ongoing success. Together, the ongoing efforts of this family of industry support will connect patients with hope, discovery and new lifesaving therapies.
Warmest Regards,
The City of Hope National Insurance Industry Fundraising Team - Ken, Hector, and Babak

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