Page 16 - City of Hope NBPI 2022 SOL Journal
P. 16

  Special Thanks
City of Hope National Business Products Industry Fundraising Team
Celebrating the 40th Year, once again leading executives and companies from the National Business Products Industry (Office, Technology, Industrial/JanSan, Breakroom/Food Service, Furniture, Packaging, Health and Safety) have engaged in an annual fundraising effort in support of City of Hope. To date, these collective efforts from peers, partners and competitors alike have raised nearly $240 million for City of Hope, expediting our efforts to develop new therapies and cures for cancer, diabetes and other life-threatening diseases – thank you!
Our annual fundraising efforts were led this year by our 2022 Honoree Peter Scala and the amazing Staples team! The areas in which Staples provided its critical industry leadership and support are robust - attending events, hosting events, program and national event sponsorships, employee giving via Staples Walk for Hope Team and so much more. Over the course of the year, Staples specific support programs and activities raised well over $3M for City of Hope.
Once again, the annual industrywide fundraising campaign concludes tonight at the Spirit of Life® Gala in Chicago where the National Business Products Industry honors Peter for his remarkable professional career and humanitarian efforts. We extend our sincere thanks, gratitude and congratulations to Peter, Amy Vanden-Eykel, Chris Tjaden, Cara McDonough and the entire Staples team.
Lastly, we also would like to recognize and sincerely thank every one of you and your companies that provided lifesaving support again this year. As you know, this is a special industry that continues to make giving back and supporting City of Hope a priority each and every year. Your enthusiasm, generosity and support are very much appreciated. Please take a moment to look through the Spirit of Life journal to see the numerous fundraising events and programs that took place during the 2022 “Restoring Hope” campaign.
Looking ahead, plans are well underway with 2023 Honoree Boris Elisman from ACCO Brands. Boris, congratulations to you and ACCO Brands on your very well-deserved recognition. We look forward to working closely with you and your team. I know this extraordinary National Business Products Industry will come together as it always does in our mutual quest to raise lifesaving funds for City of Hope.
Warmest Regards,
The City of Hope National Business Products Industry Fundraising Team

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