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National Youth Achievement Award

                                      30 Years of Bringing out the Best in our Youth

         NYAA 30th Anniversary Celebration Special Report                                        27 October 2022


                                                               Receiving the NYAA Gold Award marks the commencement of their
                                                               lifetime of service to others and Singapore. This is well reflected in
                                                               the NYAA Gold Award Holders’ Alumni’s motto – “Service Beyond
                                                               Youth is a time for exploration and self-discovery. It is that time
                                                               when one begins the search for meaning and purpose, for causes
                                                               that ignite hearts and minds. Youth is the time to experience life
                                                               and embrace its breadth and range. Unfortunately, because of
                                                               social and economic circumstances, not all young people get
                                                               enough opportunities for this. When this happens, it is the society
                                                               that is ultimately affected.

          Guest-of-Honour Mdm Halimah Yacob, President of the Republic   It is, therefore, necessary to create a more level playing field for
          of Singapore, was gracing the NYAA’s 30th Anniversary Gala   our youths. We must provide our youths with equal opportunities
          Dinner with host Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister and   regardless of socioeconomic circumstances.  They will then be
          Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies and Chairman of the   more self-aware and confident and use their talents and skills to
          NYAA Advisory Board.                                 contribute extensively to society.

         “The NYAA has played an important role in grooming    The National  Youth Achievement Award (NYAA) is designed
         our leaders of tomorrow, planting in them the seeds   to achieve this desired outcome.  Through four mandatory
         of empathy to serve others, and equipping them with   components - service learning, outdoor appreciation, healthy living
         the tools and skills to make a difference in society.   and community leadership – the NYAA helps our youths become
         May you continue to create capable and inspiring      more adept at finding solutions and impacting the community. It is
         leaders for many more years to come.”                 designed to effectively complement the formal education system-
                                                               as a bridge between the classroom and the real world.
         President Halimah Yacob

                                                                President  Halimah with the NYAA’s Life Benefactors and partners.
         Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister
         for  Economic  Policies  and  Chairman,  NYAA  Advisory  Board,
         delivering his welcome speech.

          The NYAA emphasises the journey and not just the end outcome
          – doing the right thing the right way. Youth participating in the
          various NYAA activities are expected to exercise servant leadership,
          display a collaborative  attitude  and  be  genuinely  interested  in
          making a difference. Determination, consideration, empathy and
          resourcefulness are personal qualities the NYAA emphasises.

          Since its inception in 1992, the NYAA has had more than 700,000
          young people participate in its various activities. It has helped
          nurture and develop Gold Award recipients who continue to serve
          the  local  and  international  communities  with  distinction  and   Minister, Members of Parliament with former ministers and
          commitment over the years.                           People’s Association’s Chief Executive Director.
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