Page 93 - The Angora News - August 2021
P. 93
12.Order Sweepstakes awards for the membership.
13.Tabulate an accurate account of Angora of the Year in all four angora breeds in open and youth. 14.Forward to the Newsletter Editor a year-end report of the complete Angora of the Year standing for publication.
15.For each issue of the Angora News, submit a report of the top ten Angora of the Year point earners in each breed, open and youth with names the ear number of the angora to the Newsletter Editor. 16.Order Angora of the Year awards.
17.Distribute the Sweepstakes awards and Angora of the Year awards as determined by the Board.
Any proposed Amendment to this document must be submitted in writing to the Constitution Committee for review to determine that it is correctly stated and is consistent with other provisions of the existing Constitution and By-Laws. The proposed change shall then be forwarded to the Board of Directors and the Newsletter Editor for inclusion in the next Newsletter. These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of all votes cast by mail, provided all members in good standing are notified in writing of the proposed changes and furnished a ballot at least thirty (30) days before the closing of the polls; or may be amended at the annual meeting by two-thirds (2/3) majority of all good standing members present, provided there is a quorum (20 members) of the membership present.
ADOPTED 10/31/79; REVISED 6/30/85; REVISED 4/30/86; REVISED 10/13/87; REVISED 2/15/89; REVISED 6/30/92; REVISED 3/15/ 93; REVISED 6/1/96; REVISED 11/15/96; REVISED 12/25/97; REVISED 10/1/98; REVISED 2/28/99; REVISED 5/10/99; REVISED 10/25/00; REVISED 10/5/05; REVISED 10/15/10; REVISED 10/13/12; REVISED 10/3/17; REVISED 6/5/2021