Page 3 - FWWPMF 2022 Program Book
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8th Annual Foglemans Wounded Warrior Music Fest
We dedicate this year’s program to Barry Fogleman. Sadly, he was called to the heavens and now looks down on us, with so many others who have passed on that were instrumental in making this amazing event. Barry created the original Foglemans Wounded Warrior Music Fest Logo and was also a gracious volunteer that helped to cook the pork that we all have enjoyed over the years. It is with honor to continue in your footsteps and ensure support to our Wounded Warriors continues.
Foglemans Wounded Warrior Music Fest was founded in 2014 by Dan Fogleman and Travis Goebel. Dan approached Travis and asked if he would be willing to help plan and coordinate an event at the Fogleman Farm. The Event would include live music, a pig roast, and be a family- oriented community event. Dan approached Travis in May and in September the first event was held.
The first year the event was known as Fall Fest. Dan and Travis brought together a group of people to help and despite terrible weather the first year was a total success. The one day event raised $24,000 which was donated to Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors Inc.
After the event Dan and Travis asked those that helped make the first event successful if they would be willing to help again the next year. All were on board. The event was then renamed Foglemans Wounded Warrior Music Fest.
The second year was again successful raising $24,000 for Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors Inc. After the second year’s success the group decided it was time to become legitimate. The organization became incorporated with the state of Pennsylvania and applied for non-profitability with the IRS.
By 2019 the event had become a community event that many wouldn’t miss. People were inquiring
about tickets as early as January. The event had turned into a premier entertainment and fundraising, must attend venue. The 2019 event raised an astonishing $90,000.
During the COVID -19 pandemic canceling the event was a very hard but required decision the board of directors made. However, these individuals were
not ones to let a national shut-down keep them
from helping those who have done so much for our country. In lieu of the music fest the board hosted a drive-thru BBQ that raised another $24,000 for the cause. A truly amazing show of support from the local community and businesses.
2021 had a jaw dropping record attendance, desiring a sense of normalcy people continued to show up throughout the day for what was to be the music
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   Though I am wounded, I will always be a warrior. I will never give up, nor
give up in face of adversity. I will do my best in all that I do and achieve. I will not allow my injuries to limit me, and most of all, I will never forget my fallen comrades or leave a fellow injured warrior behind. - Wounded Warriors Creed

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