Page 5 - Susquehanna Chorale - Spring 2023 Newsletter
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 Educational Outreach Program Updates
 PREP CHOIR: Although this is the off-season for our older Educational Outreach Program (EOP) Chorales, there are currently 16 youngsters enrolled in our winter- spring Preparatory Choir under the skillful direction of Judith Shepler. The Prep choir offers a joyful and nurturing environment for third and fourth graders to develop their singing voices, while preparing them to audition for more advanced ensembles.
SUMMER EOP AUDITIONS: Auditions for the fall EOP program have been scheduled for May 23 (6:30-8:30 PM), May 30 (6:30-8:30 PM), and June 3 (1:00-4:00 PM). Audition procedures and sign-up forms are available on the Susquehanna Chorale website ( If there are young people in your life who love to sing, our EOP program provides an ideal opportunity for them to enrich their skills within a one-semester time frame at a modest cost.
YOUTH CHOIRS INFORMATION: The Susquehanna Chorale youth choirs rehearse from late summer through November, avoiding conflicts with most end-of-semester school programs, musicals, honors groups, etc. Three EOP choirs will be auditioning students this summer for their fall programs - the Susquehanna Children’s Chorale (grades 4-8) conducted by Judith Shepler, the Susquehanna Youth Chorale (grades 9 through first year of college), conducted by Dru Deitch, and the Susquehanna Young Women’s Chorale (grades 9 through first year of college), conducted by Mitchell Sensenig-Wilshire.
For more EOP audition information, visit the Susquehanna Chorale website or contact administrator Molly Masser at
      Early Bird Advertising Available
The Susquehanna Chorale is inviting all advertisers to take advantage
of our Early Bird ad sales offer for next season. From now until June
30, advertisers can “buy in” to next year’s concert season Program Books at this year’s advertising rates. We encourage you to support the Susquehanna Chorale with a program ad for your business or organization.
The online link to our Early Bird Advertising Form is
Our program books are professionally produced and reach an average season attendance of over 3,000 patrons. Every patron receives a copy of the printed Program Book as they enter the performance hall.
Early Bird rates are available in a variety of size and presentation options in our 2023-2024 Program Books. Advertisers can choose to place an ad for the entire season (best value) or to purchase ads for individual concert series printings (Youth Choral Festival, Candlelight Christmas, and Spring concerts).
To explore Program Book advertising, visit https://www. or contact Barry Kroeker, Director
of Marketing, at marketing@
       Come Sing With Us!
The Susquehanna Chorale auditions new adult singers every summer, and this year Artistic Director Linda L. Tedford will hear auditions for the Chorale on June 12 and June 19.
Auditionees should have previous singing experience (preferably choral) and should be prepared to perform two pieces with piano accompaniment, including one in a foreign language if possible.
Interested singers should fill out the online audition application on our website auditions page:
Weekly Monday rehearsals for the 2023-2024 season will begin the second full week of September. Concert performances are in the process of being scheduled for November, December, April, May and August. Susquehanna Chorale singers are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances.
For more information, contact Molly Masser, Administrator, at

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