Page 42 - PCPA Summer 2024 Bulletin Magazine
P. 42

Top 5 Things to Look for in a
Public Safety Wellness App
As public safety agencies began realizing how important
it is to support their workers’ physical and mental health,
large numbers began implementing wellness initiatives.
Many agencies include a wellness app as part of their
overall wellness program. Created to address the unique
demands of public safety professions, wellness apps
represent a crucial investment in the long-term health and
effectiveness of these indispensable frontline workers.
The choice of a wellness app for public safety agencies
comes with significant implications for the overall welfare
of their personnel. The right app can provide tailored
solutions that align with the specific challenges of those
in first responder careers. Whether it's providing stress
management techniques, promoting healthy lifestyle
choices or offering mental health support, these apps
can serve as invaluable tools in fostering resilience and
preventing burnout among first responders.
The Challenge of Wellness
It’s no secret public safety personnel are exposed to
high numbers of critical incidents over the span of their
careers. A “critical incident,” according to Dr. Roger
Solomon, is “Any situation beyond the realm of a person’s
usual experience that overwhelms his or her sense of
vulnerability and or lack of control over the situation.
Historically, the burden of this exposure was borne by
individual police officers, firefighters, EMTs, corrections
officers and others, who were expected to “just deal with
it.” Sadly, this attitude contributed to the reality that first
responder suicides outnumber line-of-duty deaths in the
Failure to adequately promote wellness has other hidden
impacts as well. For example, chronic stress can lead to
poor decision-making, causing untold problems for first
responders and public safety agencies. Overstressed,
over-traumatized employees are absent more frequently
and experience more job-limiting illness. They’re also at a
higher risk for divorce and substance abuse, among other
Optimally, wellness programs — and accompanying
wellness apps — should address two main issues:
Physical Health:
 Ensures first responders can perform their duties
effectively and safely, ensuring overall operational
readiness and response capabilities.
	 Reduces the risk of on-the-job injuries and long-term
health complications.
	 Promotes a culture of wellness and resilience within
the first responder community.
Mental Health:
	 Mitigates the impact of job-related stressors and
psychological strain.
By: Lexipol Team at
First responders perform critical functions in society, diligently serving
to help protect their communities by maintaining public safety. However,
the demanding and often traumatic nature of this work can take a toll
on the physical and mental well-being of those who perform it.
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