Page 134 - Demo
P. 134

  Cultural Note: Gifts to Avoid
When visiting someone in hospital in Japan, do not bring potted plants as gifts. In Japanese 根まど≧ょまど∞ “to be rooted” and 寝まど≧ょまど∞ “to be bedridden” are homophonous, and potted plants suggest a long stay in the hospital.
1 NP よTMだぺ...TMだめび ‘it looks like NP’; ‘it appears to be NP’
×TMだ means ‘physical evidence’. So, the literal meaning of this construction is ‘it presents the appearance of NP.’
        NP のようだ/ようです It looks like NP
    1. 2. 3.
Italy looks like a boot.
New York is like Tokyo.
This looks like letters/characters that Tanaka-san wrote.
that S.’
1. ヲパΜづァよ列車ら\少ぱ遅イィTMだめび~ It appears that the train from Boston will be late.
2. ねイら\佐藤先生て作ぽべTMだめび~
It appears that this one is made by Prof. Sato.
Direct S + TMだぺ...TMだめび: ‘It appears that S.’
×TMだ can be modified by a sentence. In this case, the meaning of the whole is ‘it appears
     Sentence ようだ/ようです It appears that...
     Lesson 16A Page 510

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